Here at QOTPA HQ, we’re liberal sorta guys. We don’t mind what anyone does, so long as it doesn’t endanger, hurt or deeply insult anyone (scratch that last one, Sean is just the personification of deep insult). But we are also deep believers in freedom of speech and freedom of expression. If games companies could stop us telling you folk our honest opinions cause they didn’t like them, well then that’d be gay! However, whilst perusing the Interwebs, we fell upon this.
We have come across a link to an e-petition on the Downing Street Site (Downing Street being the British seat of Government for all you foreign types). The petition creator has said "If this Section becomes Law, it will create a 'thought crime' as described by George Orwell in the book '1984'. If enacted, it would remain lawful to own and to display publicly extreme, violent images intended to sell (advertising), to excite (video games), to entertain (gore/ horror films and again Games), to inform (TV news) and to be worshipped (crucifix). Ownership of only one category of extreme imagery would become a criminal offence meriting three years in prison; material intended to arouse sexually. That is, a state of mind of the user/ owner would become illegal. Actions and effects on others are valid reasons for the State to punish individuals. Thoughts and feelings are not.â€
Essentially, the state could find reasons for arresting and clamping down on folk simply for the possibility of crime. Essentially, I own and play GTA4, I must be a potential criminal or I play Command & Conquer, I must be a potential War Criminal. The gay it is! We’re not usually into wide social or political debate, and this Bill is so deeply retarded that it will never pass. But for all those interested in showing just how deeply retarded it is, go to the site below and have a gander!
http://petitions. pm. gov. uk/extreme-images/
So, stupid, extremist, anti-gaming (and anti-expressionist) government policies = FAIL!
Yep, QoTpA are GOING to WAR! And whilst Sean takes care of the macho man duck behind cover warfare I will be looking at a FAR MORE GRITTY AND REAL battle that is being waged BENEATH OUR VERY FEET!
Worms people..... worms.
To be honest I don't know how I overlooked this game for so long! It was the source of endless (until it ended, probably with the release of a better game.. ahem) entertainment for me, Sean, Andi and the dude that lived two doors down from me back when we were all just little nippers and I still lived with my parents.
Lets talk about worms 2. I know worms 1 is the MOST retro, and also a great deal of fun. I also know that Worms 1 had that fantastically epic theme tune that told the story of brave boggy B and spadger.. the very thought of which brings a tear to my eye. Heck when my brother got Worms 2 I clutched on to my worms 1 for quite some time before giving in to the alluring pwoer of the concrete donkey. I still remember the look in the eye of my head master back in high school when I explained to him as a reason for my abscene that "I have worms" and my little brother said "I have worms 2". It was an "I'm going to call social services" kind of look.
In worms you play as a team of, you guessed it, WORMS! The exact size of the team is, in most cases , up to you, but in the single player campaign mode your team will comprise of four worms. The aim of the game is to blow the crap out of the other team by what ever means possible. That's it. That's the whole game. Simple, but effective!
Part of the genius of worms lay in the naming of your teams. Regardless what they were called they still just looked like worms.... Well, what did you expect. A worm is a worm for chrissake! but by giving them names you could build a real attachment to the little guys, like my illustrious X-Men worms team featuring Gambit, Wolverine, Rogue, and the clumsy and often suicidal Cyclops... who I only included for the look of the thing and hated so much he often kamikazi cluster bombed himself. (Just to be clear I am talking about him cluster bombing.. not Kamikazi-ing, which was also possible, but far too honourable for Cyclops) Or alternatively you could make teams for the computer to control, giving them names like: "That bitch that said no when I asked her out", " My maths teacher", "Neds in general" and "that fucking bus driver who wouldn't believe I was young enough to get half fare"... then kill them brutally, laughing at the sweet sweet irony of the situation. Ha! They thought they were so smart. NOT SO SMART WITH A ROCKET IN YOUR FACE ARE YOU! hahahaha. That's irony right?
Accents helped a lot in making the game loveable too. Unlike in Worms where all of the worms spoke in the same, admittedly very cute, but eventually unsufferably annoying voice, Worms 2 had a wealth of accents to choose from. From soul man (who shouted "get on up" when ever he jumped") to yorkshire tykes (essentially sounded like a yorkshire accent, only squeaky) that made games a lot more entertaining. Also, in a rare twist, they had a passable Scottish accent that made we here at QOTPA feel right at home! Even more ingenious however was the ability to add your own accents to the game! And man did that game earn longevity when each rocket fired was accompained by a smarmy Kennyism, a violent Sean rant, a note of despair from the then-quite-shy Andi (that shyness dissolved with age :P ) or, because I am just that sad, a bark... from the voice file I had my dog make by poking her and seeing what noises she made. (I nearly lost a hand doing that)
But where Worms 2 and indeed ALL worms games really came into their own? The WEAPONS!
Worms 2 had a FUCK LOAD of weapons(and, as I have said before, a fuck load is the measurement of any one thing that it takes to choke a fully grown killer whale. It's not a great measurement, owing to the fact that one singular killer whale can, all by itself, be considered a fuck load, due to the unlikelyhood of a killer whale being able to comfortably consume another killer whale in a mouthful.) Some of the most famous being the Dragon punch, shamelessly stolen from street fighter (The worm even said Shoryuken when he performed it :P ) and the fire ball (or hadouken) of similar descent, the Kamikazi (A terribly un-pc move that saw your worm put on a japanese kamikazi bandana before launching himself across the map in the hope of hitting another worm into oblivion before exploding. ) The cluster bomb (a grenade that split into lots of tiny little peices of death on impact and could really fuck up a great many worms.. often your own) the rocket launcher (effected by the wind and really an art form in it's own right) the homing missle (like the rocket launcher.. but for sissies) and... maybe most famous of all, the sheep. Who was a sheep. When you let him loose he would happily bounce around the map Baaing politely, until about five seconds later when he would explode cataclysmically killing anyone near by. Ahhhh, good times.
Besides those gems, but far harder to get, there were the rare occurances of banana bombs (like cluster grenades, only more powerful and with bananas) Super sheep (Sheep that could FLY, invariably people would fail to kill anyone with them at all the first time they got them) Old ladies (sheep, but slower. they made very odd nosies) Carpet bombings (Literally carpets fell from the sky) Sean's favourite the holy hand grenade (of Monty Python fame!) and, of course, the elusive Concrete Donkey. In all the time I played worms 2 I think I saw the concrete donkey a grand total of maybe ten times. The First time I got it I had no idea what it was and squandered it killing one single worm. This end of the world item drops a massive concrete donkey, more than able to choke any number of whales, from the sky. The donkey then smashes through anything below it. Killing millions. Leaving a gaping hole where once there was a land rich with worm life. War is hell.
Worms 2 was funny, enjoyable and one of the few turn based games I could be assed with (imagine worms 2 if it WASN'T turn based. That would be insane!) It's not the most interesting game in the world and it doesn't really grip you (well you can't blame them really,they are slimy little buggers with no hands) so it's pretty much just a distraction until something new comes along. But what a distraction! I think it probably "distracted" me for upwards of 100 hours all in.
It's a six out of ten! I've not played any of the recent worms games, and they may well be very similar (I would certainly hope they are, because making them 3d would probably murder all the fun) and if they ARE very similar then hey, what the heck, it's more or less the perfect worms formula so why change it! But if you're in the market for some retro warfare featuring underground annelids then I would heartily recommend Worms 2. Buy it, play it when you ought to be doing something else, and love it for the wriggly bastard it is!
Some scary stuff from Origin of Siren, a game all set to do what the everyone fears the new American made Silent Hill may fail to do: Scare the shit out of people!
that video is there really more for the song. BoBoBo Bo BoBobobo being just an added bonus. Must confess i've not watched a great deal of that anime.. what I have watched was weird as hell :P Good name though. Anyway, yeah:
as I write this I am mere hours away from an English exam, and it has a politics exam hot on it's heels that will rear it's ugly political mind the morning after we post up this issue. Exams suck as, as we are probably all too aware.
I liken them to links crossbow training, guitar hero or resident evil (umbrella chronicles) ONLY A LOT LESS FUN, it's not all about being good at the subject (or game) it's really more about knowing exactly what is going to happen and having your answer already ready.(or knowing exactly where the next Aerialfoe, orange note, or red zombie is going to come from and being prepared)
As such it's not really a test of what a big brainy smart ass bastard you are. You don't get given, say, a poem or something and asked what you think it means Oooooooh no, that would be too complicated for most. Instead you have to dig through a shit load of past papers looking for the common questions just so you can prepare for them. It's like playing Double Dash to prepare for Mario Kart Wii... and if you studied mostly power slides, parakoopa and petey pirahna then you're boned. I am really hoping I've not picked the paratroopa of the english exam world.
wanna know what's weird though? here's what's really troubling me: I am going to have to write this exam with a PEN.
Why?! How much does that suck. All the way through the year I've been writing essays on my PC. In some classes i've even been handing them in electronically! Seriously... this pen idea is BEYOND THE PALE! My hands are now fine tuned to pick out orange notes and my thumbs only marketable trait anymore is to ram the space bar every so often! How on earth do you expect poor thumby here to hold a pen for a prolonged period of time!
But alas there aint no avoiding it. To my exam I must go. If I pass then it only goes to show that playing portal rather than studying is a totally acceptable thing to do. If I fail then hey, I will have more time to work on Queens of the Pwn Age :P Win win situation!
Love ya!
Hail and greetings to thee, oh reader of our lovely page. Hope your finding this issue to your liking and are currently in the process of wiring all your money to my bank account in thanks. If not, and you’re simply enjoying the page and plan on leaving a nice comment to let us know, well that’s fine too.
So a couple of thing to report to you lovely folk, plus we introduce our first, full-blown COMPETIION, but more on that later.
First up, EALA have finally released a gameplay trailer of the mighty Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 and it looks literally badass. The trailer shows off the new water-based combat, some of the more outlandish ground units and one of the Soviets new super weapons which is apparently a dark-matter bomb, sucking all nearby enemies into a black hole and mashing them into a singularity. Awesome. The trailer can be viewed at
Also, rumours abound from Rockstar North HQ in relation to the sequel to everyone’s favourite next big thing Grand Theft Auto. According to developers of the next in the series, the next chapter in the popular Crime-fest will exclusively be PS3 due to the huge amount of data in the game. Rockstar have stated in the past that they are loath to place any of their games on a multi-disc format, and would instead look into exclusively producing a double or even triple-layered BluRay disc. Although this is still just a rumour, it remains consistent with Rockstar’s past games and processes.
Now I know you folk are reading this going “Sean, you great bearded gimp, why aren’t you being funny?†Well if you want funny, go read Kenny’s section…nah, I jest, come back…please… GET THE HELL BACK HERE! Thank you.
Can I just ask, was anyone else a bit under whelmed by the new Gears of War 2 Gameplay Trailer? I mean, it looks exactly like the previous game down to the dodgy lighting and rip-offs of Unreal III Sure there’s a hell of a lot more bad guys on screen, and the new humongous monsters shown look funky, but it seems to be suffering from Rainbow Six syndrome where it looks more like an expansion rather than a whole new game! I mean, I know the Unreal engine is sexy and more developers should use it, but Epic have made two identical looking games already (The first GOW and Unreal III) and GOW2 will be the third…this smacks of laziness. That dog won’t hunt signor…
And as I mentioned at the start, look below to see our very first QOTPA COMPETITION!!!
That’s right folks, we are proud to present our very first QOTPA Competition!!! And it’s a doozy!
We have received literally a shitterload of e-mails and messages regarding our QOTPA T-Shirts and how you lot can get your greasy mits on one. Well, whilst we figure out printing costs and also set up a dedicated eBay shop for said shirts, we thought “What the Hell! We should treat the QOTPA faithful and allow them a chance to get their hands on one of our beloved pieces of orange and black robbing!!!â€
So as a prize for this competition we will be giving away ONE of our shirts to you lucky people. The winner of said shirt will be able to pick between the two below designs (our 10/10 shirt and the ever popular FAIL! Shirt) and also what size of shirt they require (The shirts come in S, M, L, XL, XXL and girly skinny fit for our fairer readers). We know, it’s fairly bloody brilliant!
The 10/10 Shirt
The Fail Shirt
“So how the hell do I enter said comp?†I hear you yelling (or tying loudly). Well the competition is a tried and tested Caption Competition, with us giving you lot a screenshot from a game, and you coming up with a humorous title or subtitle for said screenshot. You don’t have to know the game; you just need to come up with the funniest caption.
“So whats the screenshot then Sean, you bearded bohemian god?†I feel you wonder. Well a small version of the screenshot is below, and a larger version can be found in our Picture Folders (inside the teasingly named Competition Folder). And I guess you’re wondering how to enter. Well simply send you caption to the QOTPA inbox in a private message (not a comment, as others will see your caption and no doubt try to steal your comedy genius). We will review all the entries privately over a period of THREE WEEKS announcing the winner in Issue 29 (9th June, for those not versed on our Monday Issue Update Cycle). We will then contact the winner to get both their preferred shirt design and size, and also the address the prize should be mailed to. Once you receive your rize, a picture of you in said shirt would be awesome, and would be used as our primary model shot for that shirt. Sexy!!!
The Offending Screenshot - for a clearer version, head to our pics folder!
So what you waiting for you scurvy sea-dog, get to our Picture Folder and get entering. We are really looking forward to what you guys come up with ^^
- Seanron
Virtua Noobies!
Sega have announced details for 2 of the new fighters to be seen in Virtua Fighter 5 R! Looks like the usual lot will be joined by Jean Kujo, an angusty crazed french karate master that many have likened to Goh and the long awaited (cough) return of Taka-Arashi the sumo wrestling mad man! The QoTpA are looking forward to playing it well ahead of the rest of the UK on our impending trip to Japan where it will be enjoying massive releases in all of the Japanese arcades if everything goes according to plan for good ol' sega
Wii fit says : "YOU'RE FAT!"
When Sean first saw the ad for wii fit and it showed the fitness matt labeling some poor guy "fat" he said "wow.. that's a little harsh for the wii isn't it?"
Turns out he wasn't the only one who thought so. Nintendo has been flooded with complaints from people offended because the wii keeps calling them fat.
Nintendo have responded that Wii Fit uses the BMI index used around the world and the areas on that index: Fat, Ideal, Obese and so on are as they appear on that index, not determined by nintendo, they also reassured people that you can hide your BMI if you don't want anyone popping into the room and discovering what your precious wii really thinks of you, or forgo the BMI test altogether.
All of this came on the back of the American release of Wii Fit which Europeans have been happily playing away with for a few weeks now.
We can't help it's a little bit silly to weight yourself and then get upset at the results.....
Nintendo did want to point out however that BMI is NOT FOR CHILDREN seeing as their odd unnatural stoky dimensions messes up the BMI, so adults, to avoid your kids getting scarred for life, get them to skip the BMI bit, oh an also try not to cry when the Wii calls you names.
Guitar Hero 4 DIY
Recent news about guitar hero 4 is that on top of going down a more rock band route, with drums a mic and the option of two guitars, it will have a studio function where people can make their own playable songs. Early reports suggest that people will be able to import their own songs, and then set out complex sets of notes to play along on each of the instruments. The mind boggles at the posibilities!
What's up doc?
Nintendo have announced two new gems coming to Wiiware in the near future, one the classic Doctor Mario reworked for a brand new generation of wii owners and, perhaps more ominously, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People ... presumably featuring strong bad!
Pistol PS
And finally for those of you just moist thinking about the release of MGS4 playstation are bringing out a special PS3 just for the occassion. The package known as "gun metal grey" will be a sleek little number in a glossy metallic grey complete with a dual shock controller and a limited edition copy of MGS4. Trouble is you can ONLY get it on Konami's webpage, so get your asses clad in over-revealing leather down there and preorder now before it's too late!
Console Heroes New site
Auchinawa (the scottish anime con where QOTPA will be appearing)
Coldwired: A brand new video networking page for a brand new generation of video lovers!
Introduction to Kenny and Sean and the mission of QOTPA
Issue 1 : twilight Princess and Metal Gear: Snake Eater
Issue 2: Call of Duty 4, Crisis Core and Doom
Issue 3: Super Mario Galaxy and Jungle Strike
Issue 4: Ratchet & Clank and Lylat Wars
Issue 6: Crysis and Mega Man X
Issue 7: Orange Box and The Sims
Issue 8: Halo 3 and Dawn of War Anthology
Issue 9 Assasins Creed and Goldeneye
Issue 10: Unreal Tournament 3 and the Resident Evil Saga
Issue 12: Oblivion and Space Station Silicon Valley
Issue 13 :Valentines Special : Devil May Cry 4 and Shadow of the Colossus
Issue 14: Bioshock and Transformers
Issue 15: Qotpa Gear Special
Issue 16: Link's Crossbow Training and KOTOR2
Issue 17: Guitar Hero 3 and World in Conflict
Metroid Prime 3 and Shadow the hedgehog
Issue 19: Army of two and Command and Conquer battle report
Issue 20: C&C 3 Kane's Wrath and Silent hill 2
Issue 21: FEAR files and MySims
Issue 22: Mario Kart Wii Video review
Issue 23: Condemned 2 and X-men Legends
Issue 24 GTA IV and Metal Gear Solid Online
Issue 25: Patapon and Pocky and Rocky 2!
Mega special thanks to Andi not only for taking the pictures but for having the guts to massively inconvienience an established Archery centre into allowing us to pose pictures of Kenny Shooting Sean with a bow. Good stuff!