"Faulker" profile picture


Faith=Progress Faulkers Pub.com!

About Me

My name is Corey Faulk, I've been in the "nightclub live music scene" since 1997. I've worked with everything from open-mic nights, to The Los Lonely Boys. I am in the process of opening a bar with a new, and talented partner. We expect an opening date of September 1, 2008(Scratch that.. October 15?). Check out the location at Faulkerspub.com (Hey Faulk is my last name!) I will be looking for bartenders/security/barbacks etc. If you are interested drop a line. music Layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts Newest / Music / Movies / frazy.com

My Interests

Faulkerspub.com I enjoy life. I'm into music, (which explains my job) restoring,(and running the hell out of) vintage automobiles (mainly mustangs), water sports, home remodeling, playing guitar, Oh, and I love to cook! Check out my videos!! Check out videooos!


Any music, played well. Timing is everything..


mostly comedies ..
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Sopranos... (r.i.p.)


Jesus,and Willie Nelson