People, old Volkswagens, Food, Art, Running. Not necessarily in that order...and likely alot more besides.
Smily Happy People
Lamb, Boards Of Canada, some Aphex twin (crazy fella), Ugly Ducklin, Souls of mischief, The Postal Service, NWA, Massive Attack, Kid Koala, J5, Jagga Jazzist, Fourtet, Cassette Boyand still learning....
Life of film in the world ever. Finding Nemo...Don't ask me why....I just don't get tired of watching it. Blue Velvet, One Flew Over The Cuckoos nest, War of The Roses, Akira, erm.....All the Pink Panthers! They have me in tears with laughter, The usual Suspects, erm...whats that prison break out one with whatsisname...erm....wait!!!
I don't.
I have books....lots of them.
Oscar Wilde.