The Bass, Conspiracy Theories, Compact Discs, Music,W.O.W, Sound,B.L.W....Its kinda like a B.L.T.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jack Ruby, Adolf Hitler, John Mende, Miles Davis on Heroin,Lee Harvey Osawld, Andy Warhol,Fedil Castro
Charles Manson, The Beach Boys, Do Make Say Think, Miles Davis, At The Drive-In, Mason Proper, The Silver Jews, Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, Pavement, The Flaming Lips, The Beatles, Wesley Willis, Afterain , A.R.Foltz Experience, Air, Nirvana, The Unicorns, Explosions in the Sky, Slumber Seeds,Radiohead,Danielson,The Beatles, Trail of Dead, Tapes'n' Tapes,Sigur Ros, Daniel Johnston and girls who sing in jeepsters
The Guy who invented The Mustache Ride. The Jews who helped Hitler Rise To Power.