Bandit King of the New Wasteland profile picture

Bandit King of the New Wasteland


About Me

I throw out the jazz hands like a ninja throws shurikens... often and with deadly precision. I live my life in constant preparation of a zombie attack when I'm not singing "Take On Me" while walking down the city streets. I have to re-learn the Electric Slide (shoogie woogie woogie) every time I attempt it. I live my life like a George Thoroughgood song. I'm probably a deity... or at least something very close to one. Trust me, you'd like me.AIM = BuzINT5Aziz Ansari - Other Music

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My Interests

Music, movies that don't suck and some that do, writing, reading, drunken debauchery, glorious impermanence, mead, swords, sex, and all those little things that make life worth living.See also: Travel, being unknown, making wine, and a life of brilliant strife

I'd like to meet:

Crazy folk, people with intense passion for seemingly insignificant things, people who are avidly anticipating a post-apocalyptic future, and anyone who knows the best way to tame a ravenous wolf. Most of all anyone who will help me build the Giant Trashcan Gentrification Robot.


Neutral Milk Hotel, the Streets, Postal Service, the Clash, the Pillows, Underworld, Cake, Calexico, Raveonettes, VHS or Beta, White Stripes, Ryan Adams, Screaming Trees, Replacements, Talking Heads, Bowie, Soundgarden, Polaris, RJD2, Apples in Stereo... actually anything from Elephant 6, REM, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Wilco, Bob Dylan, Devo, LCD Soundsystem, Beth Orton, Oranger, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!, Out Hud, My Bloody Valentine, Chemical Brothers, the Misfits, the Smiths, "Metro" by Berlin, Post-Punk classics, house, electronica, and 80's pop masterpieces.


Wes Anderson films: Royal Tenenbaums, Bottle Rocket, Life Aquatic (I don't much care for Rushmore in the realm of Anderson films, it's good outside the context of his other films), Singles, Lock Stock, Jesus' Son, Caddyshack, Lost in Translation... and, well, a lot of other things.


It really never got any better than the Adventures of Pete & Pete (I'm a redhead and I have my bias, damnit). But I'll watch sitcoms and anime if I really have to watch tv. I can usually find something better to do.


Unfettered Mind, Kafka on the Shore, Neverwhere, Pest Control, On the Road, the Ice Storm, the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, Lord of the Flies, Norweigan Wood, Hitchhiker's Guide, American Gods, Musashi, Being There, Fight Club, the Loved One, The Proud Highway, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Slaughterhouse Five, Catch-22, Good Omens, Zhuang Zi, Vagabond, the Watchmen, the Dark Knight Returns, V for Vendetta, the Book of Five Rings, Y: the Last Man, and you know what? As much as everyone calls Tolkien the great fantasy writer I much prefer mother-fucking CONAN.


Miyamoto Musashi, Hunter S. Thompson, Sanada Yukimura, Slash for his kickass top hat, Arthur Dent and a lot of people who are either dead or never existed. Particularly Pagoda, he's my motherfucker.

My Blog

First one

Yeah, so this isn't really gonna have a lot on it as far as I can tell.  If you like what you see go ahead and add me or send me a message or whatever.  I'm pretty responsive to stuff like t...
Posted by Bandit King of the New Wasteland on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 07:03:00 PST