Linda profile picture


i believe that the less-fortunate should invest in MAC cosmetics, monthly tanning sessions and Crest

About Me

what can i say about myself...i love to just go out and have matter how tired i am, im always the one who's laughing, im sure you can hear my laugh from miles away--dont worry its not that annoying - hehe. what can i say? im a goofball--as my friends would say, im not afraid to be a dork, and i really dont give a rat's ass if anyone calls me one! yes, im a fiesty little one. a really down to earth kinda chic, very simplistic yet complicated at times- is that even possible? hmm....i enjoy shopping but who doesnt? you know im actually now a bargain shopper, and my friends thought i couldnt shop at non-name brand places..haha prove them wrong!! my hobbies are just going with the girls, having a drink a little now and then, laying under the sun in attempt to color my skin, trying to surf--unfortunantly im not very good at it yet! but i practically live on the such a beach just having a ball down here.. youll never see me on a dance floor, unless of course you wanna see some jackass making a fool out of themself..haha (thats me by the way, ill be the one at the bar of course!) what more can i say about myself? i just finished nursing school (yah!, and for the record im not phil-la-pee-nah!) but it was the hardest two years of my 'non-life' life, haha. but it was all worth it, cause now im done, baby. =0 lets see what else do you need to know about me...i enjoy having a fun time at whatever and whenever with a sucker for strawberry covered chocolates, bite size snickers, anything with a burst of alcohol in it, and a good night of fun fun fun! so yeah that pretty much sums it up huh? i really could go on and on about how great i am, but im not sure if theres enough room for that, hahahaha (imagine my wanna-be cutesty yet evilish laugh, yeah like umm Dr. Evil) And now a year later: wow, i can honestly say, i never thought that i would last a year as a nurse in the ICU. i surprise myself sometimes...i absolutely love being a nurse, except if you take out the pooh-cleaning, the oh-so-fun oral care, and lets not forget the flip flopping, cause God forbids that our patients develop ulcers...right!? im probably the most laid back nurse you'll ever meet. i somehow manage to walk around the unit to chit chat with anyone and everyone...i have a good time at work, and people should feel lucky they work with me, there, you either love me or hate me... (we all know its the first one, cause im that irresistable!!)what you see is what you get, baby! =0
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My Interests

newly interests: going out to Gaslamp (gotta love the 80's nights), since the all-so famous sharkeez got burnt down! boogie..but im starting to read...whats with these what-not-to-do in relationship books, have no idea...

I'd like to meet:

crazy, fun i mean like you, haha


im a sucker for rockies...80's rock too!!


i cant stand movie theaters, so id opt to see movies in the comfty of my own home. im more of the action-type, the romance makes me crazy not-in love, but ill watch it anyway, umm scary movies give me goosebumps... suspenceful movies (i love, but only if theres closure at the end haha) - like the ones where you kinda have to guess the killer ooh... funny movies make me laugh, see i am very whats the word im looking for, logical?


Grey's Anatomy, ER, for some frickin reason i like to watch these whacko remodeling shows, its so weird i know.. The Simpsons, i can pull an all-nighter watching Friends re-runs (yes that is true). What happened to the real tv shows, whats with all the reality crap??