newly interests: going out to Gaslamp (gotta love the 80's nights), since the all-so famous sharkeez got burnt down! boogie..but im starting to read...whats with these what-not-to-do in relationship books, have no idea...
crazy, fun i mean like you, haha
im a sucker for rockies...80's rock too!!
i cant stand movie theaters, so id opt to see movies in the comfty of my own home. im more of the action-type, the romance makes me crazy not-in love, but ill watch it anyway, umm scary movies give me goosebumps... suspenceful movies (i love, but only if theres closure at the end haha) - like the ones where you kinda have to guess the killer ooh... funny movies make me laugh, see i am very whats the word im looking for, logical?
Grey's Anatomy, ER, for some frickin reason i like to watch these whacko remodeling shows, its so weird i know.. The Simpsons, i can pull an all-nighter watching Friends re-runs (yes that is true). What happened to the real tv shows, whats with all the reality crap??