Web site: www.wildfireyouthunited.com
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Pure Worship! Jeremy Camp, David Crowder Band, Joshua Mills, Hillsong, etc...
Kind of Kings, Lord of Lords, Lamb of God, The Resurrection, the Judge, Man of Sorrows, Head of the Church, Prince of Peace, Master, Savior, Faithful, Rock, High Priest, the Door, Living Water, Bread of Life, Rose of Sharon, Alpha & Omega, True Vine, Messiah, Teacher, Holy One, Mediator, The Beloved, Good Shepherd, Light of the World, The Word, Chief Cornerstone, Servant, Author & Finisher of our Faith, The Almighty, Everlasting Father, Shiloh, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, I AM, Bridegroom, Only Begotten Son, Wonderful Counselor, Immanuel, Son of Man, Dayspring, The Amen, King of the Jews, Prophet, Redeemer, The Way, The Truth, The Life, Bright Morning Star, Anchor, Advocate, The Beginning and the End, Amen, Branch, Captain of Salvation, Only Begotten Son, Consolation of Israel, Creator, Deliverer, Elect of God, Faithful Witness, First and Last, Forerunner, Like the Father, Glory of the Lord, God's Glory, God manifest in the flesh, Horn of Salvation, Image of God, Jeschua, Just Man, King of Ages, King of Israel, Lord of All, Mighty One, Rabbi, Son of David, Son of man, Sun of Righteousness, True Light, Everlasting Father, Wonderful, Jehovah, Apostle, Blessed, Firstborn, Govenor, Heir of All Things, King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, Lawgiver, Mediator, Son of the Most High, His Name is JESUS!