I would not know where to begin and it would never end. I find enjoyment in almost everything. It would almost be easier for me to list my non-interests.
anyone and everyone possible, especially everyone who is buying or selling a home or looking for real estate investments.
I like and listen to it all. I seem to listen to more hip hop and rap, but I also like classic rock. I used to work in a rock alternative radio station, so that is also a possibility. And of course, I grew up in Alabama so country is heard on occassion. What I have in my cd player right now is my boy, Young Shah. If you like hip-hop, check him out at www.youngshah.net
I like to laugh, so any comedy is the way to go. I am an Adam Sandler fan but I haven't seen any of his recent movies. I don't like scary movies cause I guess I am a big baby and they scare the crap out of me, but for some reason I find myself watching them.
For years the Simpsons has been my favorite show, but here recently Entourage has moved up on the list. Family Guy, That 70's show, Jeopardy, ESPN and CNN Headline News are all that I seem to watch if I watch anything.
I seem to read more stuff online,as well as newspapers, and magazines. If magazines count, I read and have subscriptions to Entreprenuer, BusinessWeek, Business 2.0, Money, and Time.
My sister and anyone who can pick up and move all the way across the world, overcome all the difficulties, and support and give everything ever needed to their family = My Mom and Dad