Patrick profile picture


Give me cheese or give me death!

About Me

I thought you knew me? Well if you don't then watch my cartoon!!!!! A Talent Show!!!! It is my first friend on MYSPACE not YOURSPACE, mine!!!!!! Watch it....If you do know me and you have not watched it then DO!!!!! I will have new episodes, FULL Episodes, Funny Episodes........SOOOOON!!!! Are you still reading?!?!?!?! OK.....I'll tell you more....I like chameleons and I also like basset hounds.......this sounds weird but if anybody knows how to breed these two creatures tell me.....I dont have to watch....I just want an egg.....a basset egg!!! Oh man I would like to watch that egg hatch all night long!!! Yes This is good!!! I am getting excited talking about it....and i am not even talking I am typing....Sooooo what I am really getting at is why are you reading this crap I just wrote?

My Interests

I like lots of things, most of which include garlic salt or black lingerie, but always include cheese....I fucking love cheese!!! Cheese is the way to my heart if you really must know.


Metallica, NIN, TOOL, Slayer, Radiohead, Harry Connick Jr., Pantera (R.I.P.), A Perfect Circle, Machine Head, Aerosmith, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Jeff Beck, The Postal Service, Ray Charles, BB KING, My self in the shower, The Front, Rob Zombie, The sound of Ashley Simpson going trough a meat grinder over and over again. Oh god I forgot Zepplin and Billy Joel, oh and I do love Glenn Danzig and some Mike Ness and when he sings in that one band ahh SD. Oh and Barbra Streisand? Well probably not.


Gangs of New York, Last of the Mohicans, Man on Fire, Batman, Star Wars 1-6 (kind of), Matrix, Alice in Wonderland, Copycat, Silence of the Lambs, Some kind of Monster, The Big Fucking Lebowski, The Aviator, and the Departed. The Fastest Indian


South Park, Seindfeld. Other than that TV can kiss my ass. Fuck You TV for wasting so much of my time Fuck You!!Damn you Nip Tuck!!!


Da Vinci Code (Will set you free) The Dictionary comes in handy.


James Hetfield, Maynard James Keenen, Dr. Steven Hawking, Mr. Speaker(my Dad), Han Solo. and ACE V.

My Blog


TAG, I'm it?Here's how you play:Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose up to 10 people to be tagged...
Posted by Patrick on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 04:40:00 PST