Computer Art, Comics (drawing and reading), Music, Animation, Painting, Science Fiction (the real stuff that makes you think, not the glossy candy ass Hollywood pap that's been rammed down our throats in the last ten years), Philosophy, Scuba Diving, my cat, writing short stories and screenplays, and of course reading.
Great artists, great minds and beautiful women.
Industrial, Techno-Trance, Jazz (like Miles Davis, not Kenny G.), Speed Metal, Classical, Gabba, New Age and good ol' Punk Rock baby.
Crank, Children of Men, Fight Club, Star Wars IV-VI, The Big Lebowski, Blade Runner, Rashomon, Terminator I, For a Few Dollars More, Aliens, Yojimbo, Robocop, The Magnificent Seven, pi, The Fourth Man, Spinal Tap, Seven, Time Bandits, Gladiator, Blazing Saddles, Hari-kari, Virtuosity, The Lord of the Rings, Hard Boiled, Soylent Green, The Killer, Brazil, Requiem for a Dream, 12 Monkeys
The Daily Show and Colbert Reporte. 'Nuff said.
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, The Milagro Beanfield War by John Nichols, Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, The Door into Summer by Robert Heinlein, The Ass saw an Angel by Nick Cave, Dune by Frank Herbert, The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, The Watchmen by Alan Moore, Connections by James Burke, Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Mushasi, V for Vendetta by Alan Moore, Fear and Loathing on the Road to Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
My Dad, Albert Einstein, Miyamoto Musashi, Stephen Hawking, Akira Kurosawa, Geronimo, that deaf dumb and blind kid who sure plays a MEAN pinball.