Whole Lotta Love profile picture

Whole Lotta Love

Stand up for what you believe in..and against what you don't

About Me

Hey, it's Melissa, yeah, that's me. I'm still living in the shithole that is Long Island and I'm looking forward to getting the heck out of here =0) I'm happily married to my soul mate and best friend, Matt and we have two kids, Sasha (our dog) and JoJo (our cat) and that's enough for now. Human children will be somewhere in the future. We're in a band called The Fools of Perception and it's kick ass rock n' roll.... I've loved music my whole life and I fiddle with the guitar and love to sing. I'm a vegetarian who is very passionate about animal rights and I'm optimistic that good people can make a difference when it comes to issues regarding animal welfare. Just by becoming vegetarian, I myself, have saved many lives and it's a great feeling. I'm currently enrolled at Animal Behavior College online to become a dog trainer. I'm doing my externship right now and in a couple of months I will have my certification so I can look forward to doing something I love...for pay!!

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My Interests

MUSIC!! Animals, especially mine, animal rights, Sept 11 conspiracy theories (or what I like to call, "more truthful-sounding than what we've all been told"), forensics, nature, dog training, guitar, singing, harmonica, percussion instruments, playin in the band, PEACE, anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-Clinton, Pro-America (just not the government that runs it) reading, writing, visiting Austin TX, weekends (or anytime I'm not working) hangin' with The Chief...

I'd like to meet:

I'm a sentimentalist so I'd like to meet old friends, the ones that come out of the woodwork, that's always fun. I'm not into friending just anyone on here, so unless you know me personally or have something in common with me and plan on writing to me and not just making me one of your 5,000 friends just to say "I have 5,000 friends" don't bother. There's way too much spamming going on. I don't want any fuckin free ringtones or Gucci discounts ok??


I know it's lame to say "I like everything" but it's pretty much true. There's only a few things I just can't listen to. Here's just my top list: THE BEATLES (always #1, and has been since I was...born) Janis Joplin, WEEN, Jefferson Airplane, Bob Dylan, Allman Bros (and Derek Trucks solo) OK....ANYTHING CLASSIC ROCK...I was born in the WRONG era!! Also love old jazz & big band stuff, bluegrass, old-timey, music of my youth (gotta love the 80's), techno when I go to a club only, 70's disco, southern rock, anything but what you hear on the radio today, it all sucks.


Movies are great. Some of my favorites that I never get tired of: The Godfather I & II, Goodfellas, Alice in Wonderland, One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest, The Big Lebowski (my fav, but I love all the Coen Bros movies), Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, American Pop, The Breakfast Club, Back to the Future,


I actually haven't turned the television on in a month and I'm proud of that. Aside from the very few programs that I find interesting, it really does rot your brains. Sometimes we watch CNN to laugh at the bullshit that comes out of there. O'Reilly is our favorite to make fun of.


I'm currently reading a book about animal liberation called 'Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?' and it's pretty good but very long and a bit repetitive. I don't really read too much, but when I have the time and the mood hits me, I do enjoy it.


My husband for being with me for 10 years and THEN marrying me...he sure has endurance (and balls of steel) and also for being my inspiration for so many things. My parents for being the best and always being there for me, my brothers for doing the same and being my protectors and friends. My friend Jason, who's a Marine in Iraq (he too, has balls of steel) Can't wait until he's home with his family.

My Blog

First step to happiness....rid the soul of pain & suffering

Over the past year or so I have friended a lot of animal lovers/activists on myspace.  I've read AND seen things that have turned me vegetarian (and I'm thankful for it) and made me want to get i...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 09:44:00 PST

"Lil Boy" is gonna be just fine

Just an update on our kitten, his test results came back negative for FIV & FeLV so we're really happy!  He does have roundworms, but the doc gave him treatment for that so those nasty things...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:59:00 PST

Must be my calling....

I'll make this short....I found yet ANOTHER animal and rescued it from possible harm.  I was at work on Friday and I went outside around 5 or so to put the mail in the mailbox and a car came to a...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:58:00 PST

Dogs on the loose

This happened to me a couple of months ago, but I'll start with what happened this morning.  I was driving to work and instead of making a right turn where I would normally, I felt too impatient ...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:41:00 PST

Just about 5 months and going strong!!

Hey, just wanted to say that it's been almost 5 months since I became a vegetarian and it's great.  I feel better, I cook better (when I DO cook, LOL) and my even my soul feels better.  I've...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 06:28:00 PST

Gotta love dogs...

And I do!!  Love em...just love em....so that's why I've enrolled into ABC (Animal Behavior College) to try to make a career with animals...because, hey, I hate my job.  About a year from no...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:00:00 PST

I'm gonna try the veggie thing...

This has happened to me before but only lasted 2 days.  I've decided to try going vegetarian.  Who knows how long it will last, with my family being Italian and big meat eaters and all,...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 01:36:00 PST

Just wanna bitch about something

I just wanted to say how friggin annoyed I am about the movie theater.  OK, so it's enough that the prices have gone up to $10 or more to go see a friggin movie, MOST of which that SUCK BUTT...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 10:58:00 PST

Our Wedding kicked ass

  On May 28th, Matt and I had our wedding and it was just FABULOUS!!  It was like SO SUPER!!!  Really, it was a complete success and I couldn't have been happier.  Everyone had a g...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Wed, 31 May 2006 08:15:00 PST

My shower

So yesterday I was going with Matt out to lunch with his parents and family friends.  When we got to the place, oh boy! SURPRISE!  It was my bridal shower.  It was really nice!  T...
Posted by Whole Lotta Love on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 12:16:00 PST