brock profile picture


It was/is bashin away for the sake of makin a racket for personal enjoyment & for a few likemind

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Mammal "Lonesome Drifter" LP
Paternoster - "Paternoster" LP
Eat Skull 7"
Pink Reason "By a Thread" 7"
T-Pain ALL
Little Claw LP
Los Llamarada "The Very Next Moment" 7"


cop movies with collin ferrel, cannibal holocaust, aguirre: wrath of god, el topo, hospital brut, thriller: a cruel picture, sympathy for mr. vengeance, fight for your life, punch drunk love, dogville, the act of seeing with ones own eyes, gozu, old boy, dawn of the dead (originial), badlands, 2001, julian donkey boy, the idiots, goodbye uncle tom, stroszvek, my architect, asylum


degrassi:TNG, sports night, curb, the wire



"In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror,murder and bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock." - Orson Welles

My Blog

had to steal this shit for mine.

CAMRONS RHYME BOOK und?pg=last#c000004860
Posted by brock on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 03:50:00 PST

aint no sucka momma

In front of the club, drops, coups and trucks I'ma front in the club with a hundreds of studs A gun and some bud through the metal detector The metal detect ya, settle and wet 'cha I don't mettle with...
Posted by brock on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 02:54:00 PST

Beauty in the Bowl

This morning I woke  up completely fuzzed out of my mind from the sleeping pill I took the night before.  I decided the quickest way to wake up would be to chug a good 30 ounc...
Posted by brock on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 02:59:00 PST

major stars black road 7 inch up on patchwork ars-black-road-7/ duh!
Posted by brock on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 04:17:00 PST

im back, i think

decided to start publishing what i've been writing workin through my noggin when it comes to pysch music. this time its on my own terms and for a group of friends new peng...
Posted by brock on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 09:27:00 PST

i can't stop picking at this scab

kinda dismantled myself on a bike ride in harrisonburg this past monday.  It was three hours before a xmas party i've been going to for the past 4 years, and i show up partially bloody and somehw...
Posted by brock on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 12:53:00 PST

apparently one can't wear boardshorts to an art opening

dude it was fucking raining its ass off! i seriously didn't want a case of mud ass, so i opted for the obvious sum chick with cheesecake head sent me out on a rail because of my attire! WOOOOOOOOOOOW ...
Posted by brock on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 10:11:00 PST

ive been plotting

& in such a... in it's jaws feeling its mouth around you noticing your blood in the water & in such a...i can see your lips move thrashing around on the shore preparing to go under what are th...
Posted by brock on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 10:24:00 PST


Observation is the key to illness. To me, making this music is about the disappointment and the let down of the every day. It's a loved one dying in your a...
Posted by brock on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

current entertainments

ed askew - little eyes lp chimera - st on tenth planet lp robert anton wilson - prometheus rising pink floyd - live from pompeii dvd working looking for apartments building mics visiting junk electr...
Posted by brock on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST