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About Me

Hey sexy bb girl, it is nice to have you in dat house. It is what it is, let it be... Please, drop the zero and flow with the AZN hero... Welcome you to my wonderland, I am who I am, I am Peter Yang or TouChou Yang. The man who I am. I am your best friend. The man who I am... I am the top ten best men. I am your Superman... I am one man stand and willing to be your lover to the end. Oh baby girl, if you give me your hand. I will be your Peter Pan... I will take you to my fantasy land and you will be my woman. In my fantasy land, nothing, but Kamasutra, passion, exotic, romantic, live free, and die hard lover for never end. I will show you who the real man I am... Paj tawg zoo nkauj nyob mus puv toj… Yog niam leej ntxhais txaus siab tiag txiv leejtub yuav los ua niam leej ntxhais tug pab thaa ti pa tais tug mes zoo thauj coj… Paj tawg zoo nkauj nyob mus puv hav… Yog niam leej ntxhais txaus siab tiag txiv leejtub yuav los ua koj tug txiv tsev mam lis ua tug kav… Lub paj ntoos tawg tau zoo nkauj… Los yog mes niam leej ntxhais tsis yeem tsi nyiam ces txiv leejtub tsi tau mes niam leej ntxhais los ua hluas nkauj… Lub paj ntoos tawg tau zoo ntxim nyiam… Los yog niam leej ntxhais tsis leeg tsis nyiam ces txiv leejtub yeej ua tsi tau tus uas koj hlub koj nco mus ta tiam…

PERSONALLY, I SPEAKS and WRITES 7 LANGUAGES AS F0LLOWING: English, France, Hmong, Chinese, Laos/Thai, Vietnamese, and Spanish...........................@@@@@@ ////////////ENGLISH: Welcome you to my and thank you for landing on my page. It's my pleasure to have you as a friend. You can come and play with me at any time. You take a good care of yourself. See you at the end soon...Fellowing- I am going to write in France, Hmong, Chinese, Laos/Thai, Vietnamese, and Spanish. I am not perfect, but I am willing to learn each day and every day of my life. Learning is my opportunity and I will take advantage to reads, writes, and speaks all the languages as much as I can until the day I die... It's my hobby!! Anyway, All yo people in dat house... If you are happy, you should shake your body, throw me the "P", jump like you don't care, and drop dead...LoL!! I wanted to let all yo people in dat house know that I am Hmong and I am stronge. I'm loud and proud to represent Hmong 4 Life!! All yo people in dat house better recognize that... All yo people in dat house show all ya love and lets deep it, peace!! Personally, I preferred to speak English and Hmong. PSS- My friends, I weclome you to correct me, come to learn with me, and be my good friends to the end... This is a Modern Day and a Universal Time!! The new generation is just beginning... It's not the end yet!! So, chill, relax, enjoy life, lets partees, and just kick it until you drop... lets throw the "D". All yo brothers and sisters drop the zero and just be a hero!! @@@@@@@@@@@@FRANCE: BIENVENUE!! Bonzua, C'est moi Je suis le Peter Yang... Vous parlez tresbien Francias? oui o non... Personne parlez Francias... Ouvrez, aidez-moi... Jevais ecrire tou tes les possibilites... Moi parlez Engles, Hmong, Chinese, Laos/Thai, Espanol, Francias, y Vietnamese. Quelque chose d'etrange se produit, quand on cree de l'art. Porfois, on ne voitencore que des elements disparates. Et puise, puand tout S'unit, il ya quelque chose de magique, et de naturel qui se passe, et C'est ce qui est arrive' aujourd'hui., tout le monde disait, que ca ne marcherait pas. lls disaient qu'on prenait tout un risque, mais je veux continuer a faire des my space comme celui-ci. La combinaison photo amateur et my space, a souvent ete utilisee auparavant, maispas tsut a fait de cette facon, Je suis content de l'accueil qu'a recu le my space. Ke suis heureux d'etre ici. Vive la USA..Merci!! $$$$$$$$$$$$HMONG: Nyob zoo cov phooj ywg kuv zoo sab txais tog mej tshuas leej tshuas tug kws tau tuaj thuav tuaj saib kuv qhov chaws my space ntawm nuav. Thov kuam mej muaj kev lom zem xwb hmog. Nyob zoo hab thov mej saib tau tuaj moog ntsiv. Peb maam les sib ntswb dluas tom kawg ua ntej thaum mej yuav tau tawm ntawm kuv qhov chaws my space nuav moog os cov phooj ywg. Ua suavdlawg tsaug!! @@@@@@@@CHINESE: Vua me vua ntsi ni ua ntsi vua, lee yee txi ni tau sua txua, caa mee ni ye txe tau si txai phia yuav, khaa tsee thi ni tseem ma sua, pa vua ti ai tsw hua ke vua, ni ai vua!! @@@@@@@@@@LAOS/THAI: Xai Pai di thaab, phuab meb phib noob thub thub khoog. Qhaib phuab caij hav tooj ma hoob yuj nib. Qhaib qhuam haib phuab meb phib noob muj khub coob mij qhoog xuv tuab luaj pai... Xai pai di pi maij. Qhaib vaub daib naib naib paj xam Thai paj xam Laos paj xam France. Qhaib ma yuj thib pab thej Ameliskas. Qhaib vaub daib paj xam Hmoob paj xam Aa-kiv paj xam Spanish di thej thej. Paj xam Chinese paj xam Vietnamese qhaib vaub daib naib naib. Qhuam cai Thaab, phuab meb phib noob thub thub khoog!! ============VIETNAMESE: Toi Viet ten anh, tren la tren hoa, trong trai tim toi, tren da tren voi, ngap neo duong di ngan loi, tren gam tren nhung, tren tran tren tay, trong gio trong may, vao long bien lon song dai, Anh yeuh anh!! ########## ## SPANISH: Yo soy Pedro, yo hablo, escribro, leo, y comprendo en Espanol. Yo interesante aprender Espanol, mucho. Muy importante por mi futuro!! Bienvenido a my space de Pedro. Yo soy muy feliz de tener amigos y amigas y las Angelitas(os), por favor observa my space con cuidado talvez tu aprenderas algo cada dia, nuevas experiencias. Gracias mucho, hasta pronto o hasta la vista, bebe!! Adios mi Angelitas....@@@@@@@@@@@Leej muam, paaj lab paaj tawg tshab, yog yug tau na lawm, nwg yuav zoo yug lub sab, puas yog nab, es koj puas kaam ua kuv tug miv nkauj nyaab tshab nab los tug nkauj muam Hmoob. By Tub Tsu Yaaj. Kuv yog Tub Tsu Yaaj, kuv yuav tsi thuam, tug leej muam tug ntxwm hlub. Thov koj tsi xob ua lub sab dlub. Leej muam koj puas tau muaj tug hlub. Koj puas tau xaav txug tug zoo les kuv. Koj puas kaam ua kuv tug. Lub ntuj tub yuav taag zug zug, peb tub yuav tau moog nrug peb leejtxiv Huab Tais Ntuj nyob puag sau ntuj. Yog koj zoo puj, koj puas kaam ua kuv sev. Kuv maam ua lub sab ntev hab hlub koj. Tshuas nub tshuas mos koj yog kuv tug. Kuv yog koj tug, kuv yuav pws raug zug, kuv yuav tsi xaav txug lwm tug... Kuv cov lug yeej muaj tseeb, yeej muaj tag, es koj puas kaam ua kuv tug Naas- ej, mas... Video above: My past life to present day - from a child to a teenager to a man who I am Peter Yang or TouChou Yang today... Video below: Present day to the future... ..This is Peter's history, family, and friends. China to Laos to Thailand to U.S.A- 1975 to now and than.... Kuv hus ua Tub Tsu Yaaj, kuv yuav sau hab teev txug kuv lub neej. Kuv yuas tau muab nthuav tawm- Vim kuv yog Hmoob. Thov mej ntsoj ntsuam taug moog... Thaum u, kuv puj koob yawm koob nyob Suav Teb, vim nyob Suav Teb, Suav tau tuaj tua Hmoob ua ruas Hmoob nyob tsi tau Suav Teb, kuv puj koob yawm koob txhaj tau tswv tau, nces roob nqeg haav lug moog nyob ruas lub teb chaws Los Tsua Nplog Teb nyob ruas sau tej toj roob hauv peg, ntuv xyoob ntuv ntoos, ua laj ua teb, cog qoob cooj loos tshuas naj tshuas xyoos. Tog kuv paub tes kuv yug nyob ruas So Nyos, kuv yug ruas huv tsev Hmoob Yaaj, kuv yog Hmoob Leeg. Kuv yog Hmoob Looj Ceeb Sam Pab Qhas. Kuv tseem yaus yaus tsi paub qaab haus. kuv tseem ncus peb nyob Lav 22 moog ruas Veescaas. 1975, lub teb chaws Nplog lub teb lub chaws tsi taj tug. Hmoob tau tawm tswv moog nyob ntaus lub teb chaws kws tsi muaj ruv muaj rog, kws nyob yij pheej nyob zes ib ncig ntawv. Kuv ncus peb tau tawm tswv tsau ntuj quas ntis, tiv naag tiv tshaib tiv nqhes nyob haav zoo haav faab haav tsuag, noj nplooj maab nplooj ntoos, noj miv kaab miv ntsaum, noj qom maab qom tsuv qom ntoos cawm sav, cov muaj nyaj tseem tau ndlav nkoj cav maam les hlaas tug dlej Meb Naab Khoom moog ruas saab Thaib Teb, Kuv txiv tau paab, tau ndlav, tau them, hab cawm peb Hmoob ua ntej yuav taus moog ruas Thaib Teb, vim peb tub tsi muaj nuj muaj qes ruas luas ib qhov dlaab tsi hlos les, luas tseem ntis quab ncaug ruas peb Hmoob, yog tsi them tes luas tsi care, luas lub koos mom lab nyob sab qaij leg, phom Ak dlaaj ntshib ntshuv hab N-16 dlub ncab twb pis nkaus peb Hmoob tshuas tug lub hov plaj," Yog tsi ndlav hab tsi theem tes kawg tuag taagnrhos huv tuab sis." Tsi taag les ntawv xwb luas tseem yuam peb tej nkauj tej muam ua dlev ua npuas ruas peb saib ntsoov, Kuv txiv thaus thov kuam cov koos mom lab tsi xob ua phem, kuv txiv maam ua tug leeg them huv tuab sis, kuv txiv tau hles nwg ob txhais khaws thaib haam, vim kuv txiv zais nyaj nplog ntaus heev ruas huv nwg ob txais khaus npaaj cov moog ua lub neej nyob ruas tim Thaib Teb, lub sib hawm zoo les nuav, kuv txiv txhaj tau muab taagnrhos nwg cov nyaj them cov koos mom lab hab cawm cov kwvtij Hmoob, peb txhaj tau hlaas tug dlej Meb Naab Khoom moog ruas saab Thaib Teb. Cov txomnyem tsi muaj nyaj them, cov txomnyem txhaj txuas nkoj xyoob nkoj ntoos nkoj tsawb hlaas moog ruas saab Thai Teb, cov keej dlej ua luam dlej moog kuj dlaus lawm, muaj tej cov tau poob dleg tuag lawm coob, cov feem coob muaj nam hlub nam yau muaj mivnyuas ntaus, suavdlawg yuav taus sib ncaim ib leeg yuav taus ncaim ib leeg moog, cov moog tsi tau puab maam lawv qaab tuaj, muaj feem paab feem pawg puab tau poob qaab rov moog ua cob fab nyob haav zoo haav faab haav tsuag, thiv tshaav thiv naag thiv kev chaib kev nqeg thiv kev txomnyem ua tsuv quav tsuv luag hab rov moog thiv thaiv lub teb lub chaws ua ruv ua rog tawm tsaam Hmoob Lab, Nplog Lab, hab Nyab Laaj Lab. Tog kuv paub, peb nyob ruas huv Xoom Noom Qhais Xoom Kuas Thuas Thaib Teb. Peb nyob tsi ntev peb raug Thai xaas peb cov Hmoob moog nyob ruas Xoom Vib Nais. Thaib luas tsi yuav peb, vim peb tsi yog tuabneeg Thaib. Peb tug thawj coj tug nom Hmoob yog Hlos Vaaj Pov, luas txhaj thov Amelikas laav hab coj peb moog kuam txug nam dlaav lub teb chaws moog nrug peb Hmoob nam hab txiv Hlos Vaaj Pov nyob ruas lub teb chaws Amelikas. Nyob tsi ntev Hmoob ruas xaam phaj tawm npes moog txawv teb txawv chaws, moog nyob ntaus lub teb chaws vaam meej xws les Faabkis Teb, Australia, Canada, hab Amelikas Teb. Muaj ntaus paab ntaus pawg nyob ua Hmoob Thaib, moog nyob Suav Teb, hab tej teb chaws miv miv kws nyob zes ib thaaj tshaam ib ncig ntawm Thaib Teb. 1979, zes zes ruas lub caij ntuj kub peb tau tawm npes tuaj moog ruas teb chaws Amelikas, ua ntej ntawv peb taus raug xaas moog nyob ruas huv Bangko tau les ob peb lub hlis. Peb tsi taus kawm hab peb tsi paub ib lus lug Aakiv hlos les. 1980, lub 3 hlis ntuj peb txhaj taus tuaj txug lub teb chaws Amelikas tuaj poob ruas huv Rochester Minn., tug pes lug ruas peb yog Npis Xiong, zoo les 6 lub hlis xwb tes peb tswv moog nyob ruas St. Paul Minn. Peb nyob tsi taus ntaus xyoos, vim nwg no heev, 1983 peb txhaj tswv lug moog nyob ruas huv San Diego, CA. lug txug ruas naj nub nyem nuav... Txawm yog lub nroog San Diego nuav txawm yuav luj npaum les caag, khoom noj khoom haus, hab vaj tsev kim npaum les caag los peb kuj tseem nyob peb, vim fuab cua zoo heev hab nyob zes dlej hav txiv moog lawm ncaaj qhaas ruas peb lub qub teb qub chaws Thaib Teb, Nplog Teb, hab Suav Teb kws yog peb lub miv nplooj sab nplooj ntsws kws peb muab ros tseg rov ruas tom qaab lawm hmog, os peb Hmoob... By: Tub Tsu Yaaj@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Nkauj Npauj Npaim- Nkauj Npauj Npaim naav tab taim naav quas zoj los naav tab dlub, koj zoo nkauj ntsim hlub es koj puas kaam ua txiv leejtub tug miv hlub, tsi has mos ntuj ntsuab nub wb maam yaav ua ib ntsais ib khub moog kuam txug ruas sau lub ntuj dlub lub ntuj ntsuab nyob puag sau tej fuab es koj puas yog kuv tug miv nkauj Ntsuab, tsi has mos ntuj koj puas yog kuv puj, kuv yuav tsi tsuj tsi tshev koj, vim koj yog kuv sev, kuv maam ua lub sab ntev, kuv txuj kev tes kuv yeej yuav yaas nrug koj moog kuam kawg kuam taag kuv txujsa lub neej moog kuam txug lub ntuj ceeb tsheej kuam koj paub meej vim kuv yeej hlub koj ib leeg kheej os kuv tug miv Nkauj Npauj Npaim tug miv hluas nkauj sib hlub tug kws ntxim hlub...
Lil Mama ft. Chris Brown & T-Pain - Shawty Get Loose [OFFICIAL]

Lil Mama | MySpace Music Videos
Lub paj ntoos tawg zoo nkauj ci laim tej sib ntab… Los tub zoo tsi cuag lis txoj kev ua nkauj ua nraug kuv pws li ntig tuaj ntawm koj npab… Lub paj ntoos tawg zoo nkauj ci laim tej sib ntxiag… Los tub zoo tsis cuag li txoj kev ua nkauj ua nraug koj pws li ntig ntawm kuv xub ntiag. Los nag tsauv nag ntxiaj ntxaum tuaj rau tim toj… Niam leej ntxhais es yog tsis muaj siab tiag tsis txhob dag txiv leejtub nyob nco nco koj… Los nag tsauv nag ntxiaj ntxaum tuaj rau nplaim dej… Niam leej ntxhais es yog tsis muaj siab tiag tsis txhob dag txiv leejtub nyob ua tug vwm leg rau nej.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Night of the Living Thing

69TCYback2mankind... TCY- Truelies!! | MySpace Video YOU, the one and the only woman who can accept me who I am. You willing to be my friend and my superwoman. I willing to hold your hand to the end and I am your superman. To be or not be that's the question!! This video is waiting for you. Come... It will just be you and me in the near future. PSS...This video show, they are my friends only. I like to meet them again and ex- specially you!! "Thanks"..........
Nkauj Nub hab Nraug Hlis- 100 xyoos, Nraug Hlis hab Nkauj Nub ob tug maam tau lug sib hlub sib ntsib sib cuag sib puag, tshuas nub tshuas mo Nraug Hlis nyob ntsag tib to nyob ib tug no no, tsi muaj leej twg ntsug paub ntsug nov, Nraug Hlis txhaj thov Huab Tais Ntuj kuam nwg ua tau sab ntev sab luj, tug zoo puj zoo sev tes ruas yog Nkauj Nub, nwg yuav hlub Nkauj Nub txawm yuav tog ib puas xyoos los nwg yuav tsi ntsoos, tshuas tshuas nub nwg yuav hlub nwg yuav tsi kub tshuas tshuas mo nwg yuav nyob tog Nkauj Nub, tshuas tshuas xyoos nwg yuav ua tug txiv neej zoo, vim lub caij lub nyoog dlaus moog lawm zuj zug tub lug txug ib puas xyoos, vim ob tug yog nkauj nraug zoo, ob tug muaj moos ob tug txhaj zoo sab heev, vim ob tug txuj kev sib dlees ua nkauj nraug, ob tug kev sib hlub zoo txhaaj nyaj kub, yog les Nkauj Nub hlub Nraug Hlis tuag ntis, nwg pws ntis ruas Nraug Hlis lub sub dlag, moog lawm ib plag lub ntuj lub teb tsau ntis, ob tug luag ntshib ntshis ua txuj ci ua si, lub ntuj rov tig pum kev, ob tug txuj kev sib ncaim lug txug ob tug yuav tau sib nrug moog lawm ib puas xyoos yog muaj moos, lub ntuj lub teb tsi tau hloov tsi tau ntsoos tsi tau tig, ob tug maam rov cig rov tig lug ua nkauj ua nraug dluas moog lawm ib puas xyoos os lawv....@@@@@@@@@@@@TTTTTTTTT7777777777777777^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ..My version of a Soldier Boy: A soldier boy lives in the ranch. One day he wants to ride a horse, he climbed up, and the horse jumped. He lost gravity and balance. A soldier boy has a broken leg. One day there was a war; his Captain wants all the soldiers’ mandatory report for active duty. A soldier boy presented and reported. A Captain denied his requests and sends him home. One day bad news a captain and his platoon killed in the battle fields. A good new a soldier boy lives. A soldier boy got lucky, he realizes that if he drafted, departed, and got in the battle fields. He could be kills and vanished forever... He lives Today. Because bad luck turns out to good luck. Sometime, ugly turns out pretty. A ugly toad turns out to be a very handsome Prince or example: "the beauty and the beast" By: Tub Tsu Yaaj

Once again, remember: Yesterday is a memory and mystery, 2day is a gift and present, and 2morrow is an advanture... Our destiny and journey will continue... We all will ICU until the endless time... 4-ever friend, Peace out!! Love- TouChou Yang 2010

My Blog

032 Alejandra Guzman - Hacer el Amor Con Otro
Posted by on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 20:21:00 GMT

Mim Hawj Miss Hmong San Diego 2006
Posted by on Sun, 18 May 2008 15:41:00 GMT

Ghost caught on tape
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 20:15:00 GMT