I am a loser I like learning
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height="373"..The good stuff, you know basicly anything... More specifically Ronnie Day, Bruce Springsteen, Jackson Browne, Billy Joel, Elton John, Van Morison, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens ( I like middle age women music)
Radio, Hearts In Atlantis, Donny Darko, sadly enough one of my favorites is The Notebook. I like alot of different movies and I probably watch too many.
History Channel, Discovery Channel, Comedy Central etc.
The Fountainhead, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, A Conferderacy of Dunces, The Tender Bar, Fear and Loathing: On The Campaign Trail '72, The Art of Hunger, The Phantom of the Opera, Fathers and Sons, This Side of Paradise, Siddhartha, The Guilded Age, and one of my all time favorites Albert Einstein-Out of My Later Years.