My Interests include travelling, football, blading, basketball, snowboarding, sunbathing, swimming, watersports, extreme sports, partying & Chilling out with friends!
Bob Geldof, Michael Jackson, George Bush, Eminem, Dr Dre & Snoop Dogg, P. Diddy, Nelson Mandela, Pele, Maradona! I would like to meet loads of people but these are just but to name a few!
Im into loads a stuff really but mainly Rap/Hip Hop & RnB. I have a new found love for Reggae/Dancehall and also Reggaeton music, and since i have been at uni a bit of Dance and Drum & Bass music! Ever since my travels i have also got a pretty big collection of Kenyan local music which is wicked aswel!
Mostly tend to watch Actions, Comedies and Horrors. Such films as Bad Boys, City of God, Blood Diamond, Happy Gilmore, Anchor Man, The Constant Gardener, Casino Royale and the Saw Trilogy
I tend to like all the shows on MTV like Viva La Bam,Bams Unholy Union, Jackass, Rob & Big Black & Flava of Love! Those kinda reality shows! I also like to watch The Simpsons/Family Guy/Neighbours and any kinda travel programmes like Plant Earth.
Not really a fan of books, just read magazines of interest such as FHM/Maxim/Loaded or Zoo & Nuts and the occasional travel books such as Lonley planet.
Huge stars including Pele, Maradona, Bob Geldoff and then loads of randoms like Wayne Rooney, Micheal Jordan, Nelson Mandela, and ofcourse David Brent lol!