~_- Skratchin, taggin, pushin weights, pimpin my ride, chess, and intellectual conversation, thinking deep thoughts about life, diggin for records, the sound of the beach the sound of silence prankcallin p33pz w/my sound boardz, wait did I say skratchin? Come play my game, Holla at meh pz....
-People I don't know- -People I can learn from- -People that want to learn- -Those who want to help others- -God, but not any time soon! Payce!These guysMyspace SoundclipsMyspace Soundclips
..WU-TANG Forever, Return to the 36 chambers, Only built for Cuban linx, Liquid swords, The Prodigy, bone thugs, youth brigade, Liquid Skies, Boricua Guerreros, Arturo Sandoval, mf doom, dj Krush,dj D-styles, dj Q-bert, Alias a.k.a. ricci rucker, dj tiesto, hidalgo, hector lavoe, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, Red-hot chilli peppers, deftones, helioskru, Operation Shock & Awe, Willie Colon, John coltrane, the Genius, Miles Davis, monk,the animals, the doors, led zepplin, the guess who these guys ...... .. .................
.....................Sleeping Fist, Shaolin and Wu-tang,enter the invincible hero,Shaolin vs Wu-tang, drunken master, fist of the white lotus, Iron monk, shaolin vs ninja, chastity kung-fu,the incredible kung fu master, fist of legends II: iron bodyguard,eagle claw boxing,10 magnificent killers,18 fatal strikes, bastard kung fu,revenge of the patriots,chess boxing destroyer,chess boxing matrix,godz of Wu-tang,iron monkey, killer b's, old dirty strikes back, champ vs champ,four invincibles,labrynth of death,hells wind staff,executioners from shaolin,Matrix Trilogy, Godfather, Fist of the North Star, Conan the barbarian, Conan the destroyer, Red Sonya, The freshest kidz, The Game of Death, skratch, kidz, beat street, aerosol warfare,the warriors, Taxi driver, deer hunter, the man who was never there,gummo, fast and the furiuos,21grams, mystic river,pulp fiction, jackie brown, tombstone, wave twisters,kill bill, hackers, goodfellas, casino, donnie brasco, pirates of the carribean, running man, t2, Scarface, nightmare on elm street, the visitors, halloween, lord of the rings, the crow, the basketball diaries, batman returns,riddick, black and white,city of god ..I could go on forever....
soprano's, wsop, cops, tv is nice, but real life is more interesting. There's more to do!
I even hear the mountains the way they laugh up and down their blue sides and down in the water the fish cry and the water is their tears. I listen to the water on nights I drink away and the sadness becomes so great I hear it in my clock it becomes knobs upon my dresser it becomes paper on the floor it becomes a shoehorn a laundry ticket it becomes cigarette smoke climbing a chapel of dark vines. . . it matters little very little love is not so bad or very little life what counts is waiting on walls I was born for this I was born to hustle roses down the avenues of the dead.
The Children of the Law of One & the Lost Teachings of Atlantis, communication and consciousness, the davinci code, damage, The Art of Optical Illusions, the concrete wave, among the hidden, love blood and honor, fool's die, the fourth K, the family, la cosa nostra..
Everywhere I travel, tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pat of butter. The microwave Cordon Bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on myspace? They're single-serving friends. These guys
Rza,Grandmaster Qbert,King D-Styles,Flare the Genius,RaohTheConqueror...RIP ODB What an coincidence, he died 2 days b4 his 36th bday.. fug