hey can, marker, wheatpaste, sticker, stencil or pencil holders. its ok to show your face. not that many people remember what they read on the side of a train. just don't have photos of it on your cellphone when the tower gard snaps you in the neck with some salt pellets.
under the member of groups section on your application for jobs, do you write anything? this is a great oppertunity to lie to people. here are some postions i have never held, all are on my resume. i made them up. if you need ideas for groups or posistions as members in any made up group, check it.
many others have helped add to this list, such as Tucker Booth, SwWade, and the other two secret members of Group Cool (tm)
cowboy member
wizerd member
wondering ranger member
"got my hand around my" member
worior member
swearing department head
second maneger for delvolping death ray
asstant charter to captin
captin member
judas preist member
soft haried little boniper member
blasted with my ray gun so your dead now member
chief of staff.
holy governership member
confiscational expert
lord of the house
head of butlers
these all in one way or another need to be taken up, im sure that there is plenty more from there.
Couch Surfer
Head Masturbatory Dildo Checker
EBay Bandito
Wanted Poster Dude
Hurricane Chaser
Fart Provider
Web MD
Rap Poser
Special Feeling Agent
Special Education Cantidate
President Dale Booth
Horse Ka-Ka Wrangler
Chainsaw Juggler
Hot Beef Injecter
Former Fat Person
Jergens Lotion Licker
Principia Refugee
head treasurer
treasurer of head
head malpractitioner
philosopher king
head pleet sighter
heavy breather
secretary of defence
secretary of viking affairs
#1 chinese mullet guy
Esteemed Austrian body builder
Lifeguard at the Ive's pool
junior fire departmenthead
designated driver
sou chef
labor union advisery board chair
nazel optimist
mr. fineberg
assitant secritary
IT delvelopment head
second string defensive end
hammer throw coach
stoner of the year 99-00
rockdale informant to the third comand post
chief of arms
chief of legs
chief of campfire
head fire starter(wait, i realy like to start fires, so does sam as we were talking about this alot last time we saw each other. shit, maybe we can share the comand post of haed of firestarting or at least give it to some one who will properly deligate said task as to where we all use it properly and have equil "fun" with it)
vice chair for the use of the word "fun"
comand post
key grip
second gaffer
"where's my burbon?"
key grip
best girl grip
nemo finder
telemundo watcher
stereophonic dept. head
soup slurper
nemo killer
chess board operator
fortunate teller
head storyteller
asst to the head of fables
Suspended from raping and pillaging until further review from a board of unbiased observers to the above mentioned practices
Official Rotary Phone Dialer
head fire builder(I will gladly let beta member hold the reigns to the position of head fire starter if I may only take the office of head fire builder. it's a subtle difference but you will soon find it)
head wagon driver
Missouri Cowboy of the Month Aug 1997
official California dreamer
resident fudgie
teller of random facts and fictions
head of the division of cresent wrench holders
nemo eater
nemo pooper
flatulent member
hidden member
"boy am i glad i have a" member
Official fire breather
cheif wanker
head librarian
great leader of the unit against pleats.
second alderman who goes "neeeaarR" with his thumb against one nostral while pointing at some one.
sheik minister of christain jews.
foreman of post-defication cigarette smoking
chairperson of the society for sighting protruding thong underwear
musical abassador
sassy bitch
faulted for play-ger-eyes'n others in gash atempts to be whitty
code developer
short wave operator
second wing
first mate's checker
chubby's hubby
sloppy soup sipper
site manager for dejamming pajammas
joint chair
chair holder for joints
joint holder of joints
chief of chiefing said joint from joint chairs desk
remberer of things icon_rolleyes.gif
dean of girls
dean of rick dean
he who sees all
"i'll have another hit man"member
choice chair
minutes reader
arch rivel football coach
one of are aka's has to be "Kotch"
jurnal wirter
scribe hire
formal notch
chapel reader
This is Mandy and I got to thinking about some names of my own so here they go-
stone setter
"wow look at his" member
Master of games
nose picker
boog flicker
back seat navagator
balls shaver
mission task force
cheif seller
general manager to the assisant of the vice president of ass smacking
"sodomy is two different things you can do to my" member
Joint chief of mediocrity
"8 inch" member
assistant orrator of "eat shit"
almost done with college slacker
almost into grad school slacker
high paying job slacker - here i come!
pro rider
pro tractor rider
protactor reader
compass man
performance art hater
so mad at tv member
crystal ball viewer
cup holder
second in command for "Firing it up" at highschool basketball competitions
snotty faces hankie assistant to the press
third horseman of the appocalyps
janitor best freind
organ grinder
"!blue colla' fo life dogg!"support group foundation president ...and first client...
staff cordinator
and another conrgessman
sponsered rider
knock-off gig holder
slap artist
short pants playgirsit
"jump in my logcabin before it snows"...(thats not a fucking title)
and another congressman
first place for starting colums that go two pages
shuffel shoes back up man
head munk of rembering the lore of trashbox "McGregor"
zip code affeliate
zappa replay planner
short pants
knock off short pants puller
chief of shiba norm cakes
hobo member
Official taster of meats and cheeses
Head negotiator of things other than those negotiated by those who feel more apt to negotiate things
Head tunneler
Avid sports fanatic
Lucid dreamer
Cop Killer
REO Speedwagon driver
Paste eater
Official Ambassador to Strong Badia
Killer of evil doers
Raper of do-gooders
Head stylist for the Academy of ideas that seem good but end up going out into oblivion because they had no real direction in the first place and I can't seem to end the sentence on a good note without getting all nervous and crazy but I'm not crazy guy....thing, yea
Official wearer of things that are too cool of school
that man who shall remind members that posted titles may not be there own
that mans assistant
the "real" peter member
hooker member
snipe remarker
shifty gizzem getter
special ed department head
ed's special head department
department of ed's special head
narcileptic member
school master
stienwort's cohort
anal member
zappa replay member
smoking is bad for you. im stoping
law member
legal member
long member
zappa replay mamber
smoker of meats
grand master shess compeditor
low key grip
camra man
king dork
grand P.O.T.N.(pimp of the nasties)
mamber member
anal blitzgrieg general
torque wrench opperator
suicidal jerkoff member
con artist
head liar
second chair to "He Who Lies Much"
comb canidate
slow golfer
sissy eater
divisor of new nomanclature
body builder teaser
trail make
back seat rider
nova fan
Sail master
thrust master
Captain of the head
resident expert on the growing of facial hair
champion gingerbread house designer
award winning gingerbread house craftsman
chocolate addiction medicine specialist
botanical expert
assitant garden watering staff
hippie hater
events cordinator
hand props gaffer
coloney starter
colanoscapy starter
vicitm of army affection
German notion propensitnator
director of private relations
expert handler of handy men
can-do man
nay sayer
pointer of things not yet seen
file clerk to desk clerk
chief of chaps
macho head honcho
chair to watcher of chips
campus straggler
second fiddle to big name hair guy
coco blender
cheap hire
dutch pants MacGee
captin corner cutter
co-Astronaut to the rocket man
scout marsh man
senior editor of human direction
chief editor of space-time and objective elements
camp counsler
bridge hustler
welfare recipiant
short hand script reader
banana rama ring master
tooter of whistlers
hot handed bandit burnersher
master of languages
the bottom of it all, do it live. ..
Calc 2 Session 2
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The Frozen Food Section
screw movies
Burn yours
like da shat with dral-wins
Urban is my number one collector. thanks
SwWade and i in the office lobby of Group Cool (TM)
Calc 2 Promo
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