I love to skate night or day...sunny, cloudy as long as its not raining and it rains alot here in washington......
I'd like to meet GIRLS all the girls i know are sluts or crawling with disease so if i can meet a girl that loves to party get along with my friends and will be willing to take a ride of there life mentally and phycially ....holla at me!
I love music i cant get enough it is in ur soul if its rock punk or hip hop if it sounds good play listen to it and sing it because music u will never forget ur favorite song thats how deep music can be
All i watch is simpsons, futurerama and family guy ohhh and the news i have to know what is going on in the world or i would be lost.....
I like to read sometimes most of the time its transworld skateboarding so i guess thats not even a book so.....
MY DAD is the man with a plan he takes care of my mom and sister and he will do what it takes to feed, shelter and keep them happy and thats a hero to me .