if you know me, you know my interests...smoking, video games, movies, and artwork cause i love too draw.
NIN, korn, final fantasy VII, final fantasy VIII, mario bros, zelda, DevilMayCry, spiderbait, rob zombie, tool, junky xl, adema, drowning pool, metallica, aerosmith, smashmouth, smashing pumpiks, u2, anthrax, slipknot, and much much more that i dont want too type
evil dead 1 2 and 3, office space, MI2, Doom, Bad Boys 1 and 2, batman 1, batman returns, batman begins, constantine, resident evil 1 and 2, pride and prejedice, cinderella man, fun with dick and jane, liar liar, bruce almighty, plus more, but thats the gist of it, you get the idea
G4TECH all teh way, and comedy central with SOME cartoon network but only when adult swim is on
halo first strike, doom-knee deep in the dead,and thats pretty much it, altogether though, i hate books
i have heroes yes. actual people that have compiled and influentially made my life better. (these are not in any order because no roledex could cadagorize there roles of importance and significance in this world)Chris--ahh yes, chris is a super hero with a villinouse masculanity side. strong willed, adventurouse, sarcastic and an asshole (thats a joke by the way). I say asshole cause he is part of the "manly group" the naturally decorated persona. the kind the discribe what we men really are. we fight too have fun. when we do actually fight though its more like "hey your a bastard" "so are you" "wanna play video games?" "otay!!!" we have the brotherly bond that is unconventional sarcastic and energetic. what brothers should beMom--work aholic, stresser, lover, care giver and BLUNT. she is so blutn when she says something, you feel like a bat came too the face with a smile! its great. She is very much the mother we all should have. she has faults like any one, but her philosophy on life gives anyone a boost. she is one of the greatest people there is.Bob (thats if hes reading this, other wise i call him dad....dont ask)-----here is a guy, stright, too the point, grouchy, mean, rude, big hearted, loving, and awsome. he is the only guy that i could ever consider my father. he is the one, who has been there, done that, bought a t-shirt, then gave it too me in hopes i have a better future than he did. he is the one, that has ever really loved me like i was his son. the only father figure that has actually honered the title in my world as dad. and as the saying goes in the family, you mess with one, you mess with us all!Tom--here is a kid who is goofy, has a good heart but does not know how too express it sometimes. he is very could at building and thinking things through that i cant do. sometimes yes he can be a little slow but he is still young. im still learning to be the brother he goes too when he needs help. the one who he is close too, it is hard sometimes for me but im trying and i shouldnt be so hard on him.Bill reihnhold---i dont see him so much any more but i want too get back into contact. a guy with such finess in art he has given me the edge in refining my skills as an artist and sees big potential in me. here is a guy who works for marvel and i became somewhat of an apprentice. so few get that kind of opertunityJim Johnson---this man has helped get through so much in my life its not even funny. he is a person who is as nerdish as i. picture it. im a gamer...and im 19 almost twenty. he is about 45...and has a WALL of comic books. i dont mean like he hung him i mean, the boxes ARE the wall. he has shown me so much as how too look things through, kinda see it in a different life, and gave me helpful hints as too how too approach them. i still need too get into contact with him too.i would name others but i think right now is a good stopping point...but everyone who i have met, whether it be sean, abby, jeremy, krystal, shawn, jean, mike neeble, nick garlich, kaytee, tonya, kyle, minesh, or anyone else that i know well, has inspired me in someway too see life as it is, and has helped me become who i am today....and i thank you all