the truth. drawing. arabic. having intelligent conversations. matching my sneakers with whatever else im wearing.
rational people with original thoughts and ideas...people not afraid to be different and that embrace people that feel the a month ago, and from now...
Basic Information about Me
Name on Birth Certificate: LaRonne Andre Eltwan Smith
Date of Birth: June 3 1987
Location of Birth: Hinesville, GA
Father's Name: Aaron Smith Jr.
Mother's Name: Anne Clark
Hometown: Chesapeake, VA
Body Type: Aerodynamic/Athletic
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Tone: darker than the paper bag
Height: 6'3
Weight: 183 lbs (gained 40lbs since i joined the military)
Shoe Size: 11-12
Ring Size: i don't wear rings
Dress Size: i don't wear dresses
Occupation: Airman
Annual Income: $13000+...over the table
Heritage: Negro
Graduation Year: 2005
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
A List of My Firsts
My First Concert: never been
My First Best Friend was: Andrew Ryan
My First Crush was: the doublemint twins
My First Pet: goldfish
My First Road Trip was to: niagra falls
My First Date was with: i don't remember
My First Kiss was with: also don't remember
My First car was a: 1995 ford taurus sudan
My First Job was: pier1 imports
Have You Ever...
Been Skydiving? no
Gone Skinny Dipping? no
Been Bungee Jumping? no
Gone outside of the USA? no
Gone to a Drive-In movie? yes
Been Kissed? yes
Had Sex? yes
Been in a relationship with someone of the Opposite Sex? yes
Been in a relationship with someone of the Same Sex? never
Been beaten up? yes
Beaten somebody up? yes
Had a near death experience? yes
Broken the law? yes
Been in jail? no
Been Arrested? ran away
Swam in an Ocean? yes
Drank? yes
Been Drunk? yes
Smoked cigarettes? yes
Pinched Chewing Tobbaco? no
Been in Love? yes
Been cheated on? yes
Cheat on somebody: yes
Dumped somebody? yes
Been Dumped? yes
Broken a bone? my skull
Had major surgery? not major
Stargazed? yes
My Favorite _____ is _____?
Color: black
Food: bbq eel tempura sushi
Fancy Resturant: any japanese steakhouse
Fast Food Resturant: chick-fil-a
Drink: tea
Cereal: cinnimon toast crunch
Candy: starburst
Ice Cream: caramel cone hagen daas
Cake: yellow with chocalate frosting
Store: ebay
Animal: crow/ raven
Sport to play: football
Sport to watch: football
T.V. Show: heroes/ESPN/ animals
Kind of Movie: violent, funny or both
Movie Star: samuel l jackson
Genre of Music: rap and rock
Solo Music Artist: kanye, lupe, talib kweli
Song: arms race remix
Movie: too many to list
Band: linkin park, roots, gym class heroes, gorillaz
This or That
Ford or Chevy: ford
Men or Women: women
Country or City: city
Suburb or Apartment: suburb
Public School or Private: public
Believe in God or Not: believe
Ocean or Lake: lake
Summer or Winter: winter
Spring or Autumn: autum
Playstation or Nintendo: playstation
DSL or Dial-Up: dsl
Ask Jeeves or Google: google
Music or T.V.: music
Cell Phone or Home Phone: cell
Sunshine or Nightime: nightime
Cat or Dog: dog
Clothing or Naked: naked
The Opposite Sex...
First thing you Notice: face, hair, boobs, clothing style
Immediate Turn on: pumps, lipgloss, long hair
Romantic or Spontaneous: spontaneous
Sweet or Rebel: sweet
Sense of Humor or Serious: knows time for both
Personality or Looks: personality
Preferred Eye Color: hazel
Preferred Hair Color: brown
Preferred Height: shorter
Preferred Body Type: athletic
Right this moment I am...
Feeling: anxious
Thinking About: my future
Doing besides Typing: listening to music
Listening to: "in the mood" talib kweli and kanye west
Wearing: black sleeveless and basketball shorts
Wanting to: be appreciated
In love with: no one
Taking this survey instead of: folding my laundry
My Future Plans
Marriage: man...i don't even know
Career: make money, be happy
Children...if so how many: yes...2 or 4
State you plan to live in: georgia
Residence Preferred: anywere but here
Want to travel to: brazil
Want to _____ before I die: be truly loved
Secret that nobody knows about you: i've imagined killing you
What is you guilty pleasure? whatever it is i daydream about
What wouldn't you change about yourself? my imagination
What would you change about yourself? bigger pecs
If you could...
Meet anybody, dead or alive, who would it be? my soulmate
Have one wish, what would you wish for? telekenisis
Have one thing, what would it be? 2008 mustang gt
Do one thing with you life, what would it be? be remembered
Be an animal, which animal would you be? a bird
Fly, where would go? werever the wind takes me
Everything you need to know about me SURVEY @ MyHotQuiz
i love all of it, and i really mean that.
whatever i'm in the mood for...if you wanna go i'll buy tickets if you buy snacks, deal?
lately it's whatever happens to be on at the time...but i like ESPN, the news...discovery channel
the dead emcee scrolls, the definitive book of body language...but i'm taking suggestions.
God, Me at times, Peter Petrelli, whomever may be there with what i need to hear at the moment.