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We are all entitled to our own opinions.. People can make choices.. Animals cannot... FUR SUCKS..Someday I will meet the King...My favorite art..Salvador DaliBoris Vallejo
My Super Sexy Jay Steele :)Halloween 2006!.. /" target="_blank"I miss you girl,,, come see me again...
I love, love, love my new car!! This is my 3rd Eclipse.. I am totally hooked!!.. /" target="_blank"I love you & miss you Jayne!!My Babies :)
Nip Tuck & SOPRANOS baby!!!!
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Conversations With God..
Jim Morrison, for being so in tune with the way it is..People that do things to try to make a difference in the world.. that try and make people smile in everyday, ordinary situations.. My Super J Steele,, the best I could ever ask for :)IF YOU'RE OUT THERE JEN... I MISS U