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shove the needle in,turn my back,and dance with the sweet sickness i contract

About Me

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My Interests

music,music,music,skateboarding,playing music,drinking ginger ale,and stalking william hung Take the quiz:
Which guitar are you

Gibson SG
You are a Gibson SG. Guitar of AC/DC's Angus young who kicks major ass. What else needs to be said?

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

i want to meet everybody on earth,if you talk to someone new every day,then youll never have the same conversation twice.


ill listen to anything as long as it doesnt make me want to piss myself,ring out my pants into my mouth and swallow,puke everything out,get naked and rub it all over my body,shit on the ground,eat it and repeat steps 2 and 3


sleepaway camp,the exorcist,anchorman,the 40 year old virgin,anthing with chuck norris(he told me to say that or he would throw me into outer space,help me!!!!)any kind of insanely bad 50s b horror movies because vincent price kicks ass.


lots of cartoons except anime(its just too wierd for me),csi,law and order svu,some history channel stuff for some strange reason beyond my control,mythbusters,anything on vh1,mtv sometimes
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dante's inferno,lord of the rings,goosebumps books,not much of a preference,but i want to read weasel in a box and scar tissue by anthony kiedis


all the guys in broken lizard,HIM(the band,not just ville valo),screeching weasel,squirtgun,the methadones,1/2 japanese,the queers,the riverdales,and the almighty bassmaster generals,ALL!

My Blog

im on a mission

I am on a personal mission,i am going to promote the shit out of the oma cafe until it is fucking legendary.by the time im finished,scranton is going to be sunset boulevard in 1982(except for the big ...
Posted by aj on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 02:20:00 PST

come on out

i just wanted to tell everybody to come down to the cafe aroma this friday the 22nd to watch me and jim t rock out acoustic style for open mic night,hell you might even get a cheap laugh in or tw...
Posted by aj on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 06:10:00 PST

to whom it may concern

my aol screen name is ateam88 if anyone  wants to chat,ive had a couple people ask me for it so i figured what the hell,its bloggin time!!!  
Posted by aj on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 12:06:00 PST

hey beavis!!

sorry guys,im not much of a blogger,if you want to know whats up,give me a buzz,ill tell ya
Posted by aj on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 11:28:00 PST