sports (except baseball), Go MAVS, sleep, advertising, traveling, squirrels, moving, jobs, gnocci, awkward silences, playing soccer, kickball, running marathons, the usual.
fun people that I wouldn't meet everyday, maybe a few thugs that'd be cool. Basically I'm here for witty banter with people that I already talk to 27 times a day.
whatever. No gangsta rap please.
CSI Miami, Forensic files, Grey's anatomy, Weeds.
Stuff I've read recently: Dry, Running with Scissors, Magical thinking, the tipping point, Angels and Demons, Davinci code, All the Janet Evanovich books, Deception Point, Devil in the white city, When the nines roll over, And then we set his hair on fire, Pick Me, State of Fear, Wicked, Middlesex, Dreams of my Father, Harry Potter, The Fountainhead.
no one has impressed me that much yet.