unicycles, juggling things, acrobalance, playin trumpets, camping, hiking, gardening, learning spanish, seein the world, cupcakes, and ice cream.
interesting folks with skills or hobbies that can entertain you for hours, whether it's bein a nerd or a clown or button collector... particularly, unicycle and bike enthusiasts, circies, acoustic musicians, makers of cheese or chocolate, art, gardens.
hobo gobbelins, apple pie hopes, dj spooky, king britt, Le Tigre, Bjork, the specials, magnetic fields, africa bambatta, grandmaster flash, anti-flag, manu chao, devotchka, moldy peaches, gabby lala, miles davis,cab calloway, pan sonic, alec empire, atari teenage riot, dengue fever
comedy! uhf, tenaciuos d, jack black in general, new simpsons movie
lost, simpsons, arrested development
dave sedaris rocks