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What it is...

About Me

Soy Mexicana/ Hermana/ Hija/ Amiga/ y futura doctora! I am very simple. As long as I enjoy what I do and who I am with I have no complaints. I prefer to go to a park and watch the stars than go out on a fancy date.... I am very caring about those around me. I believe that things happen for a reason no matter whether they are good or bad.Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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My Interests

Basketball... Futbol... Writing.... Escuchando Musica... Talking with Friends...

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people of all kinds. Regardless of their race/ gender/ etc.... As long as they respect themselves and the decisions of those around them, me gustaria conocerlos.


Arjona... Mana... Juanes... Shakira... Luis Miguel... Juan Gabriel... Alejandro Sanz... Alejandra Guzman... Boyz 2 Men... 112... Dru Hill... Monica... Micheal Jackson... Christian Castro... Elvis Crespo... FERNY!


MOVIES ROCK! There are so many that i think I will only mention the really good ones. Maria Llena de Gloria. Interview with a Vampire, the one with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruz, wow was that a steamy one! Y Tu Mama Tambien... Pirates of the Carribean, Edward Scissor Hands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory only because they have Johnny Depp who is the funniest actor out there who can look hot being super pale, missing teeth, talking funny, and acting crazy! That man has some talent I tell you. My favorite old school animated films are Aladdin and Pocahontas becuase I look like a mix of Jasmin and Pocahontas. Plus Aladdin is the cutest cartoon guy I have ever seen with the exception of that one guy off mulan. Now he had some super abs going on in that one! Now to comedy! MOnty Python and the Holy Grail is an absolute classic. There's no need to even have to go into that one (Run away run away!) Liar Liar is funny two, but then again I love all Jim Carey movies. The most recent of funny films would have to be Wedding Crashers and the Forty Year Old Virgin. Nacho Libre esta tan chistosa! So if you guys are ever looking for some great stuff to watch...there it is!


Even though I am all grown I love me some cartoons! The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Futurama to name a few. But like most of you have realized I am old fashioned! Give me Ren and Stimpy, Beetlejuice, and Speedy Gonzales any day! It sucks though because American television won't play Speedy Gonzales due to the fact that they think that its all stereotypical and that it would offend Mexicans like me. See... just when we get a break... they take us off the air.


Brave New World, A Modest Proposal, Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, Romeo and Juliet, and yes I m a nerd I like Harry Potter...


Dios... Jesus Christ... Mis padres... Mi hermano... Mi familia

My Blog

Vacation Bum

So as everyone knows i have long awaited my vacation... but as it turns out i got nothing to do! Now I am just a bum.. Waking up late, watchin talk shows, and being a bum! I love it!
Posted by azucar on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:07:00 PST

Finals Part 2

I AM DONE! What a freakin relief... You don't know how yummy it feels dto not be stressed no more!.... No more lectures.. no more tests... no more no more no more! Yippy! I am so freakin happy... and ...
Posted by azucar on Wed, 09 May 2007 11:54:00 PST

Finals Part 1

So here i am sitting in the library on campus, at a table by myself... i got here super early cuz i knew that today would be just like yesterday, super crowded by the rest of my fellow starving, ...
Posted by azucar on Tue, 08 May 2007 09:27:00 PST

Typical girl boo-boo....

So yeah i accidently locked my keys inside my car today.. and of course silly me doesn't have any extra copies of it... so yeah i had about 6 people trying ot open it... it was funny... we had coat ha...
Posted by azucar on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:47:00 PST


Hey everyone... I wish i could write all of you individually, but there are too many of you....So here goes... Commanders: You guys will do great, never doubt yourselves, prove to everyone that your t...
Posted by azucar on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:31:00 PST


Okay so at this very moment I am home thinking about work, school, and the future. Then I realized there is no point in looking ahead if I can't look at now. I decided that I am happy. Yes I miss cert...
Posted by azucar on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 08:34:00 PST


I don't have one... Can't say I am one... Feel really bad about it... A best friend to me is someone I can count on no matter what.. SOmeone who will call me to say we should hang out for no particual...
Posted by azucar on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:13:00 PST

My graduation Party

My party, if I do say so myself, was off the hook. I was dissapointed that Some of my friends decided it was okay to get up and leave to the store, not once, but twice... I mean no offense but I don't...
Posted by azucar on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 08:59:00 PST

Talking to Tomas

So like I am on the phone with Tomas right... This kid is crazy.. Have you seen his new pictures? Can you say wash board tummy? (That's right kid...) FLATNESS all the way... Hahahaha.... Just showing ...
Posted by azucar on Fri, 19 May 2006 04:38:00 PST

National Champions

Well it sure was hell, but my girls pulle dit off. I won't take credit because I don't deserve it... They really were the ones who brought the whole "show" together... Congrats girls... Like I said, "...
Posted by azucar on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 10:26:00 PST