Trevor profile picture


Too Much is Just Enough

About Me

You'll find me enjoying: Seaside sunbathing decadence slathered in fragrant home-brewed ultraviolet magnifiers ... mountaintop picnic hikes, especially in the San Gabriels exploring ruins of the Mount Lowe railway ... photography, mainly of friends, travels, and my beastly Defender 90 "Green Ganesha" ... squeezing buckets of limes to fill gallon jubs with fresh margaritas ... engineering lazyness-facilitating high-tech gizmos ... travel way off the beaten path, often to pristine stretches of sugary-white Caribbean sand ... high-octane caffeinated chat ... my soporific massage table facing the cozy fireplace (I'm a highly reciprocal massage junkie!) ... remote wilderness hot springs ... anal-retentive kitchen cupboard reengineering ... airborne offroad adventures (my tires have a pesky habit of levitating).

My Interests

Offroading, hot springs, fresh-squeezed margaritas, constructing high-luxe campsites, Baja California, Death Valley, Saline Valley, exotic cuisines, Ganesha, hot-tubbing, TaB, Land Rovers, no tan lines, planning for the Apocalypse, Legos, massage therapy, Speed Uno, Negra Modelo


Simon and Garfunkel, Roxy Music (especially Avalon), Elvis Costello, Blondie (especially Call Me), Chris Isaak, Tom Petty


Mad Max, 12 Monkeys, Tank Girl, Omega Man, Planet of the Apes (originals), Terminator. I've got that "fall of civilization" theme going on. Or just downish visions of the future: Blade Runner, Gattaca, Dark City, the Fifth Element, Brazil, 28 Days Later.


Lost, Thunderbirds, Jericho, Star Trek, California's Gold (Huell Howser)


I've got a thing for post-Apocalyptic themes: Earth Abides, Nature's End, The Postman, The Lathe of Heaven, the Foundation series.


Batman (from the campy original TV series), Sir Ernest Shackleton, Ganesha