hmmm.. sports, motorbike racing... ehem... cough.. kena censored ah...
meet fun, easy going people, sape tahu jodoh..... for good or bad activities juz well msg aik....
hmmm r&b.. all the mtv ones punk/rock/metal... all of them.. thought prefer rock and metal.. usually music follow my mood.. i listen from all genre...
hmm i love any movies with a good plot be it foreign, local esp blockbusters.. but hmmmm again.. my tastes range from epic to cartoons....hhehhez
anything that attracts my attention.... but prefere watching cartoons anytime.....well.... dats my inner child wat...
the adventure/sci-fi/fantasy/horror... any of theses is fine with an incrediblly storyline
my heroes.. my uncle... lets see hmmm. cant think.. dun have any for the moment