Myspace Layouts by
Myspace Layouts by
[mUSic][iNterNet Surfing][cHAt][eATing][tXting][My P.c.], [peopLE][friEndS][dAnCing-GrOOving][maLLing][shOppiNg][BOYS- hahaha!][
!iii!ii! i'D liKe tO meeT: !iii!iii!PerSon w/ a gOOd sense oF HumoR.. pErsOn who'S weiRd.. pErsOn who'S nice and cooL.. pErsOn who rocKS.. pErSon whO'll love mE.. peRson who'S wiLLing to give uP everyThing foR me.. Person whO'll respeCt me.. PeRson who'S friEndly oF courSe..
[2 fAst 2 fURious], [amERican Pie], [lORd of the Rings], [HARRY POTTER], [Final DeStinAtioN 1,2,3], [finding Nemo], [bAtman], [spidERman], [WHitecHicks], [cONstantiNe], [50 first dates], [sUperMAn], [oMeN], [ThE vinCi Code]
thE OC, ElimiDate, AmbusHmakeoveR, ETC pRogrAms, SmaLLvillE, KAPAmilyA shoWs, WaZZup2x, HBO, AXN- thE loSt, feArfactor, RiPleys
[AnaTomY & pHysiology][ FundamentaLs oF nUrsiNg][eThics & Issues] yeah!!! nursing bOOks..... hehehe!!!!
mAnny Pacquiao!!!! hehehe!!!!