Rainmaker Public Relations profile picture

Rainmaker Public Relations

Your Slave To The Music

About Me

Publicity (pub·lic·i·ty) : Any information that brings a person, cause, etc. to public notice. - Webster's Dictionary
Whore (hôr) :a woman who engages in publicity acts for money. - Webster's Dictionary


The following are questions that I am asked all the time. So, I thought I would try to answer a few of them here:

What do you actually do?

As an artist/ bands publicist, it is our job to create the press materials we use to pitch the cd. I usually assign one of my writers to interview the band or artist when we sign them. The interviewer will gather info and then create a new Bio and Press Release. Then, as head publicist, I take over and get a hit list together of the music magazines, webzines, blogs and internet radio sites I want to hit for that particular artist/band. Once I have the hit list and the written materials and cd's in house, we get to work.

Our job is to try to get the writers and editors to listen to the cd and to get either an interview or a review for the band. With blogs and radio, we try to get as many mentions and adds as possible.

Why are your campaigns 6 months long?

Mainly because the monthly magazines have a 2-3 month lead time. So, If I pitch a band in April, we would hope for confirmations by June, July or August. The webzines, blogs and radio are more immediate.

What are the goals of doing a press campaign?

It depends on the artist/band. Many just want to get press and validation from the music community and the industry as a whole. Some want to sell cd's and increase their fanbase while others want a record deal or a publishing deal or want a national booker to pick them up.

How do you pick which bands get added to your roster?

There are many variables when it comes to which bands end up on our roster. First of all..do I like the music? Is is well produced? Secondly and more importantly, is it marketable? Can I sell this unsigned band's new EP to the Editors at Billboard and Paste Magazine? It is also very important that we all like the band members and the label/manager that we are about to work with. Lastly, can we meet the expectations of the band/artist?

What are some of your pet peeves?

    Getting cd's in the mail with no contact info (frustrating, especially if it's good)! Contacting my bands on my current roster without my permission (Bad Protocol) Eating lunch, e-mailing, whatever while we are on the introductory phone call. Asking the question, So, what can you do for us? Do you really have good contacts in the media? Asking me, so what is it that you do again..for the third time!

What are your rates?

I am the only indie publicist that actually posts my rates up on my site at www.rainmakerpublicrelations.com . We have full campaigns, half campaigns and we also are doing more tour support. We also are starting to market myspace.com and videos. We also do a publishers mailing every 3-6 months.We do have payments plans for our clients as well.

How do you measure the success of a pr campaign?

We measure it by the press we gather for the client. Many clients go on to get label deals and publishing deals as well as acquiring managers and national bookers. We see these as a by product of the success of the cd however, not our skills as publicists. Our job is to get the cd in the right hands and to use our 13 years of experience and contacts to accelerate that process. It is the music in the end that will either shine or not.

What percentage of your bands are happy with the results?

We have worked over 900 bands at this point. I would estimate that between 90 and 95% of those bands had successful campaigns and were very happy with the results. The other 5-10% of the bands cd's either fell flat or the expectations of the band/artist were not met.
We pride ourselves on all of the return bands we get every year. Each month, we have at least 2 bands on our roster that we have worked with before.

Rainmaker Public Relations
304 Newbury St
PMB 353
Boston, MA 02115-2839
email us or call (866)766-4077

My Interests


Member Since: 11/16/2007
Band Website: rainmakerpublicrelations.com
Band Members: Current Artist Roster::

  • Aaron English
  • Adam Gilbert
  • Al Rose
  • Audiocrash
  • Crisis in Hollywood
  • Dave Patten
  • Davina Robinson
  • David Sasscer
  • Elliott Carlson Botero
  • Fanny Grace
  • Fiona Joy Hawkins
  • Financial Records
  • Firetone Records
  • Foley McKenna Band
  • Hyperactive Music Festival
  • Hills Rolling
  • John Amen
  • Julian Sakata
  • Julie Moffitt
  • Keram
  • Liquid Jungle
  • Logs In The Mainstream
  • Lorrie Ruiz
  • Neverdie
  • One World
  • Peter Bloom Band
  • Redcast
  • Rose of Jerecho
  • Russ Glen
  • Silveth
  • This Holiday Life
  • Victims of Circumstance

  • Influences:

    You've heard it from us, now hear it from the people we've helped...

    "Working with Rainmaker PR is like exploring your market potential as an artist in the company of a good, trusted friend. We got immediate response from the press, receiving a number of reviews just a few weeks into the campaign. Rainmaker PR has an extremely powerful network in the US, also with international significance on important markets like England and Germany.Aside from astonishing results, great service, personal attention and a lot of bang for the buck, we feel that the best reasons to work with Rhonda and her crew are their professionalism, caring attitude, extreme accuracy and their magic touch in the trade of public relations."
    --Stefan Hallgren, Manager/Founder of Record label "Black Cat Songs", Sweden

    "I'm so very thankful for your help and expertise in this crazy business. I love writing the music, but marketing it is the hardest part, you are a very valuable person to have on any team! Thanks again for all of your hard workand I can't wait to start pimping the new cd before we finish with the old, haha!"
    --Trey McGriff

    "Rainmaker Public Relations has promoted two of my albums now and soon will promote the third. I have a friend who spent 10 times the amount on a PR campaign and the results for my campaign with Rainmaker have been far more successful. Not only have I had a sense of support and honest opinion, but Rhonda has give industry advice regarding publishing, on-line sales companies, relevant competitions, reviews and radio. All with a ‘virtual’ smile – I live in Australia!
    I have received wonderful reviews almost on a daily basis and could not be happier with Rainmaker. I can highly recommend them for running cost effective targeted PR that gets results. Rainmaker has made people pay attention to my music which ultimately leads to the best result of all…… SALES."
    --Fiona Joy Hawkins, Little Hartley Music
    "There is nothing more important for an artist than publicity, so that the artist can stand out of the crowd and be heard. Rainmaker not only offers top of the line public relations but at an affordable price."

    "Great staff and timely delivery of results. Finally affordable publicity for the indie band. Thanks for all of your help and making us famous."

    "Rainmaker Public Relations leaves no stone unturned. Hardworking and dedicated and very effective. Thanks for the chance to tell everyone."
    --Frank Unzueta, Leader/Composer of One World

    "It was because of Rainmaker Public Relations that we now have a record deal. I found the staff to be incredibly hard working, honest and effective. Because of all the press ,we got noticed and created the national buzz needed to attract a great indie label. Thank you Rainmaker Public Relations."
    --Tasha Golden

    "Rhonda and her staff at Rainmaker have been very influential in the development of many upcoming artists. She provides a unique service and works closely with them during the process. Her extensive lists of press contacts is impressive and growing. She is very experienced in the "music press" business and has been a good partner of Broadjam for a long time."
    --Roy Elkins, Founder Broadjam.com

    "Ladies and gentlemen, this here is the real thing."
    --Chuck Taylor , Billboard Magazine

    "Don't expect Rhonda to try and convince you to become her client, you're gonna have to do that. That's because once you're in she treats you like part of her team, not only she gets your music out and gets results, but when things come across her table she involves you in projects you don't expect from your PR agent, actual work for your music. I'm a happy camper."
    --Diego Sandrin

    "Rhonda is truly one of the most gifted PR professionals around; she really gets the job done!"
    ---Vice President of Sales, Mediabistro.com

    "By the way Rhonda, it's been wonderful reading these reviews, and knowing that you are a major force amoungst the wolves of this industry getting things done! Thank -you!"
    --Laura Aidenblaise

    "Rainmaker Public Relations rocks ! Quite simply she is the best publicist that has EVER BREATHED AIR! Seriously, we worked together on the first and second cd and now we are about to take off on our third together. She’s cool too!"
    --John Cusimano

    "Rhonda is absolutely excellent. We received reviews very shortly after the campaign started and more kept coming in and I expect even more to keep coming in. I think it's important to have someone like her get you some press in addition to all the work you do yourself. Hire Rainmaker PR;It will be like having 2 1/2 people promote your music."
    ---Mark Osachoff, ANTHILL

    "I want to thank you for all the great work you've done for me! I couldn't be more pleased with all of the reviews you've gotten for me. I just got back from my tour, and I'm finally getting my bearings. You have surpassed all of my expectations and then some."
    --Emily Herring

    : "I have to say, Rhonda goes well beyond the call of duty. She worked tirelessly, early in the AM I'd get emails from her with updates to reviews that she was working. She turned the job, fast, professionally and with conviction. And the 2 bad reviews we got, I think she took them more personally than we did."

    "We knew we'd get some ink but she got us a lot more than we'd have imagined. I mean, the music has to be good, don't get me wrong. But she did an outstanding job; I even paid her extra 'cause of her diligence in working our CD.

    "Love to hire her full time if I could..."
    --Wayne Mitzen Producer, Jon Fritz AJAWAM Studios and Mastering

    "I recently hired Rainmaker Public Relations which only does indie artists. Though I'm pretty burnt out on PR firms (I recently received [and declined] an $8000 bid to do 15 hours work, inviting press to an Artemis house concert I'm giving) she really impressed me so I'm giving her (and PR) a chance."

    "I really like Rhonda's in-your-face, authentically excited approach. She'd approached me about a year ago, telling me what a fan she was of Magnatune, and I blew her off (as I do almost all PR come-ons). Then, 2 musicians of mine voluntarily recommended her (unsolicited) and a phone call with her found me thinking that she had a great attitude, and she really deeply groked Magnatune. I also like that she has a mail room staff just for sending review CDs out, and uses stamps.com, which shows that there's a repeated process going on (it's not like we just invented the idea of music PR, is it?)."
    --John Buckman Magnatune Records Blog

    "I am truly delighted and grateful! Thank you so much, Rainmaker Public Relations."
    --Joan Enguita
    I could not have done it without you. From Planet Out and The Advocate to Outsmart and Skratch Magazine..you put me on the map.
    --Dudley Saunders

    : "Despite positive reviews and airplay in the local media I never progressed as an artist. Such is the state of many acts in Asia. This went on for 8 years. I signed up with Rainmaker last year and within months I had more reviews, airplay and recognition,in the USA. The local media got word, the local radio plays my tracks every morning,and now I have been invited to perform at WOMAD 2005 Singapore. Should you join Rainmaker? It's a No brainer."
    --Rajesh Hardwani, Black Asia Vol 1

    "Before I signed on with Rainmaker Public Relations, I had about 5 hits when I "googled" my name. Now I have literally hundreds and hundreds! I've received excellent reviews both in ezines and traditional print media. I have amazing quotes from reviewers to put on my website and in my press kit. Hits on my website increased by thousands. They have the connections to make this possible."
    --Alaria Taylor

    "I am so glad I chose Rainmaker PR for my CD release campaign. Thanks to Rhonda's non-stop enthusiasm and hard work, my press kit now has many excellent online review quotes, upcoming print reviews (Performing Songwriter Magazine) and the CD is being played nationally on over 98 NPR-affiliated radio stations. From the moment she agreed to take on my campaign, Rhonda has worked overtime (and on weekends) to make sure my music gets out to as many people as possible -- including music supervisors for film & TV and internet radio deejays. She is generous, attentive, passionate and tireless. I've just signed on for another 6 months!"
    --Susannah Blinkoff, CAMP SUSANNAH

    "It's definitely time for a BIG THANKYOU. Wish I could make this bigger. Great work!!! I'm feeling luckier all the time."
    --Greg McLeod

    "Thanks so much for the great job you did with our emerging artist Natalia Nazarova. You put us on the national music map with reviews , interviews and radio."
    --Elliot Grysen, President and General Counsel, Entertainment Paradise Group, Inc

    "Rainmaker is one of the best things to happen to Indie Music and The Music Scene in General! The Catholic Girls have been part of the rock scene since the 80s and we've worked with many great people but we have to say that Rhonda goes that "extra" step for her clients (which is a rare and valuable thing) and we love her for it!"
    --The Catholic Girls

    "Rhonda's no frills approach to indie publicity was a perfect match for the Jazz Farm recording. Rhonda and Rainmaker generated more publicity for me in two months than I had done in two years! Super cool, super honest, ultra accessible, and she delivers exactly what she says, Rhonda for President! She get's my vote!"
    --Scott Farr Jazz Farm

    "The staff at Rainmaker PR are a pleasure to work with... enthusiastic, knowledgeable, persistent and responsive. I would recommend her services in a heartbeat!"
    -- Deb Ferrara

    Rainmaker PR got our band excellent reviews within weeks . . . they are one of the only publicity firms I've worked with that actually put thought and care into the press releases they write . . . no cut and paste, typo riddled copy... their blurbs, bios and descriptions are spot on and imaginative. Kudos to Rainmaker!"
    --The Cringe Band

    "Rhonda is a tireless advocate for the indie artist. She works to make sure that we get the kind of attention we deserve, and has brought the music of many bands and artists to the ears of many who may not otherwise have heard them. Between her personal attention to each client, her flexibility in this whirlwind business, and her sincere desire for our success, there's no one like Rhonda and Rainmaker. We couldn't do it without her! Thanks!!"
    -- Emilie Autumn

    "You are one special publicist!!"
    -- Alix Olson (Siren Music Records)

    "GoGirls loves Rainmaker PR. Rhonda is top notch!"
    -- Madalyn Sklar, Founder GoGirlsMusic.com

    "Rainmaker PR put us on the map. We have 2 national publications reviewing us, Inside Connection & Performing Songwriter; We have a bunch of internet radio including Radio@AOL, Radio@Netscape and Spinner.com and we have over 10 webzine reviews and we are only half way into the campaign."
    -- Beth Thornley

    "Within weeks of signing on with Rainmaker, we had reviews in No Depression, Relix, Dirty Linen and Rockpile Magazine. Oh..and we are featured next month in Rockrgrl Magazine. How cool is that?"
    -- Alice Stuart (Burnside Records)

    "Hiring Rainmaker PR is one of the best business decision we've ever made. Rhonda and her staff have been a huge help in putting the band on the map. Their professionalism and care are a fresh breath in the music industry. I only wish I knew about them ten years ago.Thanks Rhonda - we will never release another CD without you!
    -- Blow Up Hollywood

    "Rhonda is one of the most genuinely enthusiastic and energetic peopleI have ever encountered in the music business. Her efforts with Rainmaker put us on the map and gave direction to our career. She's exactly the kind of person the music world needs more of."
    --j. / the speeds

    "Within the space of two months, Rainmaker PR was able to secure us six hits in such competitive Manhattan publications as TIME OUT NEW YORK (two in the same issue!) and NEW YORK PRESS. For a totally unknown band with a track record of just three gigs, that kind of response is unheard of. Then again, we're so fabulous that she probably didn't even have to lift a finger."
    --Unisex Salon

    "When dealing with people to help you in your musical endeavors you never know what you're getting into until the money's been spent. I feel very fortunate to have taken that chance with Rainmaker PR. They've definitely gone beyond what we expected, and continue to inform us of any new opportunities. This just goes to further show that Rhonda really cares about getting your music out there, and does her best in backing up the bands she works with. All of this seemed to come across somehow in our first conversation. Her enthusiastic and personable attitude are very genuine. I'd recommend her to anyone who's serious in having a real connection with their publicist."
    -- Nate Ashley

    "Since I started working with Rainmaker PR, they have done triple duty as booking agent, not to mention securing me a record deal with a fine local label, acted as confident, psychiatrist and advisor. All kidding aside...and this is something that many people who are independent observers have mentioned to me...she gets results!! I don't mean to build expectations for everyone that she can be all things to everybody, not wanting to tax her already full responsibilities... but as a publicist she is the greatest. Rhonda, we who are about to rock, salute you! Hail!!"
    -- Asa Brebner, Asa Brebner & Friends

    "People always ask how I got my CD, "ONE ZILLION GUITARS" featured in so many magazines. I confess, I sometimes look away and mumble something. Why should other bands know about my secret weapon: Rhonda. I plan to hire her for every CD I produce, and I want her to be mine mine mine. It's not fair that other people get to use Rainmaker too! If you are looking for a pro who will let the world know about your CD, I can assure you, there is no one better qualified than Rhonda. Just remember... she's mine mine mine."
    --Daniel Christopherson

    "Rhonda is full of energy and enthusiasm for the work she does and the bands she represents. Honest and direct, Rhonda does a wonderful job of getting press. She pays attention to the style, sound, goalsand direction of the artist and targets her efforts accordingly. Her knowledge of the industry means that you not only get PR support, she presents youwith an array of additional information and opportunities for contests, festivals, licensing, and TV. Rhonda works hard to get you the results you want, and then goes above and beyond to help you get results you weren't even aware of."
    --Amanda Thorpe, Cropduster Records

    "Having Rhonda promote me has been extremely beneficial to my career: she got me a great article in Billboard Magazine in less than a week! Both her love of indie musicians and her commitment/passion to promoting them are a major asset for any band trying to get exposure. She and the "rainmaker" team are hardworking, knowledgeable and always there to answer questions or give tips."

    "Rhonda is the shining light I have come across in this business. She works hard and believes in her clients, at rates that independant artists can afford. No indie band should be without her."
    --Alex Woodard
    Record Label: unsigned
    Type of Label: None

    My Blog

    Re: Let’s do a college radio campaign this summer!

    Hiya; Long time , no write. I never thought anyone actually read these..but, they do! I think I can actually help and advise better this way..so hopefully there will be more in the future..or at least...
    Posted by Rainmaker Public Relations on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 03:05:00 PST

    Old Indie Music Model vs New Indie Music Model

    Part of being a publicist is advising bands on what to do..bands are overwhelmed with options..should I go with cdbaby or Tunecore for digital, do I have to use services like Taxi and Broadjam to get ...
    Posted by Rainmaker Public Relations on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:42:00 PST

    Confessions of a Publicist

    Ok, I will answer some of the questions that have come in lately..but, promise not to tell anyone.   Is there payola in the pr game?  YES! of course. But, it's not as obvious as it was or is...
    Posted by Rainmaker Public Relations on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 12:04:00 PST

    Random Acts Of Kindness Part 2

    Opps..forgot part of my blog for today.Anyone that has been in the music biz long enough, understands the ebb and flow of the industry and music tastes etc etc. What I have seen lately however, has no...
    Posted by Rainmaker Public Relations on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 05:08:00 PST

    Re: Random Acts Of Kindness in 2008

    Happy New Year Everyone!I am looking forward to the new year and all the great music I get to work.Thanks so much for trsuting us with your music and I hope we can all have a great and successful 2008...
    Posted by Rainmaker Public Relations on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 04:48:00 PST

    Re: Indie artists future?

    Hey girl!!OK...here's my first question...in your opinion is going back to grass roots level marketing the way to go for indie artists, since no one really wants record deals these days? -Kylie from A...
    Posted by Rainmaker Public Relations on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 05:05:00 PST

    Terrestrial Radio

    I have had so many of my bands ask me about terrestrial radio..you know real radio stations. Should I spend the money on a college campaign?What will a radio campaign do for us? Should we co-ordinate ...
    Posted by Rainmaker Public Relations on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 01:06:00 PST