MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes
I would like a man who looks at a woman as not just a sex object but a person. Someone who knows we can be leaders as well as followers. One who knows that we are not all gold digger some of us just want your time meaning to have dinner, a movie at home or outside home but a mix of both not one or the other. To take a walk in the park, if its to cold in the mall not to spend money but just to be together and window shop this gives you both a chance to learn what the other like so when you do want to spend money you buy something the other really wants and likes and you dont have to act like you like it. Most of all we just want someone to hold us and make us feel safe. THESE LITTLE THINGS MEAN MORE THAN ANYTHING MONEY CAN BUY!!!!!
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes
Glitter Graphics & Comments
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes