taekwondo, music, singing, practicing making babies, drawing, competitive stripping, origami...i mean seriously, the list goes on
anyone who will take advantage of me....whether they be bitches, hos, whores, sluts, tramps, alley cats, harlets, hookers, street-walkers, bimbos, broads, call-girls, jezebels, prostitutes, hussies, tarts, trollops, wenches, hustlers, OH and floozies; i'm easy.oh, and anyone who can make a video as cool as this one: .. width="425" height="350" ..
others of equal importance: Beuna Vista Social Club, Andre Nickatina, Van Halen, of course WHAM, and milli vanilli.
Pauli Shores contribution to the american film society through his work in Bio-Dome, In The Army Now, and that new Young Buck video, cannot and will not be denied.
I Don't Watch TV, eXcEpT fOr LAGUNA BEACH aNd Da OC!!!! hE hE hE LoLz!!!
The whole Bernstein Bears collection was amazing. Everybody Poops, and the follow up to that book Everybody Pees. Any R.L. Stine novel.
My Dad, becuase he hits on the girls that come over. 56 and still going strong. Did you really think i was goin to say something sentimental about my father? My mom because she cooks a mean Chexmix. Oh, and my sister, who's picture will forever spawn the reaction of: "DUDE, THAT'S YOUR SISTER, LET ME TALK TO HER!" everytime a friend of mine sees one.