Nizzatalie profile picture


It looks like a drag queen exploded in my apartment...

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

general debauchery

I'd like to meet:

SANTA!!!!! also Tark's Mom. Besides that, no one that I don't already know.




Raging Bull, Labyrinth, State of Grace, Romeo is Bleeding, Mulholland Drive, Eraserhead, Boondock Saints, City of Lost Children, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Wings of Desire, Theorem, The Dunwich Horror, any Hammer films, Beetlejuice, Old School, Zoolander, any old Bill Murray, The Shining, Desperately Seeking Susan, My Little Eye..... this is all I can think of right now.......


Golden Girls, Law and Order, Family Guy, Good Eats, The Simpsons, Strangers With Candy, Kids in the Hall, Twin Peaks,


I will read and enjoy absolutely anything without pictures; preferably things scary, disturbing, and/or gross.