I am just playing around with MySpace, so don't laugh too hard...
Ok, I have become a tri-athlete. Not a very good one, but I haven't drowned yet in the swim, haven't wiped on the bike, or fell during the run. So, I am doing pretty good overall... In fact, I even have a 2nd place finish in my category at a regional championship.
Triathlon distances:
Triathlon Distances:
name swim bike run
Sprint 750 yards 18 miles 3.1
Olympic 1.5Km 26 miles 10K
Half Ironman 2Km 56 miles 13.1 miles
Results for 2007:
YMCA Spring Sprint Tri (sprint distance)
Robie Creek half marathon
Great Potato half marathon
Spudman olympic tri
Pacific Crest half ironman
Race Schedule 2007:
Elephants Perch - a nasty 16 mile trail race
Boise 12XC - a 7 mile trail race
Emmett Olympic
McCall Xterra