Sarah profile picture



About Me

I like shiny things and neat garbage...but I am not a raccoon.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Making art, making things, making stuff. Painting, sculpture, editing videos. Listening to and trying to make music. Cooking food and substances that make weird things. Collecting crap. I always like making lists, who doesn't?

I'd like to meet:

Yes I would.


Ramones, Elvis Costello, Stiff Little Fingers, Stray Cats, Them, Muse, Plain Wrap, the Jim Caroll Band, Electric Light Orchestra, Descendents, NOFX, Naked Raygun, Rezillos, Martha and the Vandellas, Vindictives, Dvorak, Fishbone, Jesus Christ Superstar and and and...bored so I figure I should add some more...Dickies, Misfits, Radiohead, Angry Samoans, Queen, doo-wop, the Beatles, the Damned, Stevie Wonder...I'm also one of those weird-ass thrift store record nerds...Little Marcy and A Litttle Crippled Girls Prayer are a couple of my favorites.


Rosemary's Baby, the Royal Tenenbaums, Ghostworld, 1960's Doris Day movies, Session 9, Papermoon, Chariots of the Gods, Crooklyn, Battle Royale, Jesus Christ Superstar, Arsenic and Old Lace and much much more comin' at you.


I Love Lucy, Little House on the Prairie, Seinfeld and last but not least AFV !


I like to read plays, Juxtapoz, the Joy of Cooking, Back to Eden, Summerhill, Love and Rockets, How-to Books, Richard Scary and Maurice Sendak books.


Robert Williams, duh...Brian Setzer.

My Blog

maaan you don't want my blog

I really wanna be able to have these "need to share with others" insights...but, I don't know what the insights/social commentaries are.'s one... There's this girl named Sarah who ha...
Posted by Sarah on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 01:01:00 PST

Blog...never done this before.

I can't stop thinking about the Cinergy commercial I saw last night with the sweaty buff half-naked girls ( that's not why I can't stop thinking about're dirty). I thought it was some kind of...
Posted by Sarah on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 07:34:00 PST