Art (Painting & drawing),martial arts, shooting, reading, writing, swimming, camping, computers...a couple of my favorite sites and it is where I express myself and enjoy and relax.
I like all forms, not so much on country or rap...but I'll listen to them too....I love everything from Heavy Metal to orchestra...I love it all. ENIGMA is the closest to revealing my soul
I love comedy, action (mostly), martial arts, and drama....The Rundown (I like most of "The Rock's" movies) lol, Vin Diesel's Pitch black, and COR,The transporter 1 & 2, Mr & Mrs Smith, Sahara, Miss Congeniality 1 & 2, Kill Bill (loved the swordplay), Mostly all of Jackie Chan's movies. Bone Collector. I have to state my favorite actors are Sean Connery, and Anthony Hopkins(Incredibly moving)they are my favorite two although my others are also listed on here...You know you have achieved greatness when you have your audience eating out of your hand and going on the journey and relating to the character not the actor and I love to have to think in a movie
this is for my go boys...keep at it and you'll go far...don't ever give up on your dreams...
Too many to count...much more to read...I love Nora Roberts, Jude Devareax, Christine Feehan,Laurell K Hamilton and of Course my fantastic Cousin...Terri Smith...and the Lovely Ladies and Gents at, got some awesome writers there. Ardath Rehka has written some incredible stories..just beautiful, you can find her on the web. and Victoria Holt...ok and just keep going cause I love to read lol.
Heroes are very hard to find these days....The greatest hero in my book would be Jesus... The modern day hero's of our world are our American Fighting men and women...they work long hours, little pay, little thanks if any...and they always help anyone in need; whether in our country or overseas...even lay down their life for yeah, they are my heros too. I am adding to this...Coast Guard, medics, police, fire personnel...ya'll are awesome and inspire me to do better. MY DAD...BELOW THE SECOND ONE IN THE PICTURE