happy holidays!
hiya, i'm kim :)
i'm 7teen and a handful.
i'm pretty darn spiffy too.
i'm a sucker for love.
and i'm taken (:
i'm a "crazy" driver.
i'm not one of those smart asians.
but i do drive a honda like every1 else.
i'm pretty goofy.
i talk fast and smile a lot when i'm happy.
i'm skinny and short, i know.
i'm allergic to fresh fruit, yes it's weird.
i'm suuuuper white-washed.
and i'm a sucker for cuddling.
i'm tired of being let down all the time.
so prove to me u aren't an a$$hole like every1 else.
;) ya down?
MSG l +me?
- hahaha.