Terri profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm just plain out all goofy most of the time. I have a baby on the way, and engaged. I probably won't get married till after the baby comes, who wants to be fat and pregnant in a wedding dress? I love to sing and play piano, as long as you don't push me to read music :/ I love to draw, but I cheat I use grids. I love useing charcole, but I'm deffinantly not the greatest artist in the world. I would love to become a better painter. As for school, right now the idea is to go in for surgical Tech, or Nurseing... maybe.

My Interests

I have a huge spetrum of interest, I love music, and art, I have always been interested in Photography, My dad was a photographer in the Vietnam War, for the Air Force, so he passed down alot of his equipment and knowledge to me. I love to write, Theres a novel I've been working on forever, hopefully someday I will finish it. I used to write alot of poetry in High School, don't do it too much anymore. Also I love just how the body works, anything medical takes my attention.

I'd like to meet:

I would really like to catch up with some old friends that have either moved away, or I just lost contact with over the years. I hope everyones doing good!