Reading, Writing, Arithmatic, The Laws of Nature, Music, and
Hypertaxis in its pertaining to evolution.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!
Thursday, Thrice, Coheed, Mars Volta, Mogwai, My Chemical Romance, At the Drive get the point.
Donnie Darko, Legend, Dark Crystal, Dark City, City of Lost Children, Goonies, The Usual Suspects, Sin City, Equilibrium, Almost Famous, Labyrinth, almost anything science fiction in nature and mid-late 80's cartoons and kids movies....oh yeah, cant forget The Neverending Story.
I threw out my TVs antenna when i bought it.
Herbert, Asimov, Daniewlenski(sp?), Jones, Vonnegut, Bukowski and of course MAX TUCKER!
Anyone who desired to conquer the world, tried, and fell short. Gotta give a guy or gal credit for trying.