About Me
Hi there! Gotta keep up with the pace of life , so I'll make me a space too!
I'm living with my son and three cats in a sleepy town in Holland. I love to travel and meet people and have done so when I was younger...I'm older than that now! The journey through India was the most significant one. A whole new world opened up for me...both physical and spiritual! Met so many different people from all races and places under the sun. And spent many a day strolling down deserted beaches....so good to feel alone in nature with nobody around. Then you really get back home...although so far away from it!
All my life I've been a music lover. Music is universal ...just as love is. Love Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Rolling Stones (and Keith is my main man), Eric Clapton, Rory Gallagher,Tony Joe White, Greg Brown, Eagles,Nick Drake,Pink Floyd, Boogie Woogie, Rock'n Roll etc. and last but not least...I love the blues and folk or country music! There's still so much I'd want to do in life...so many places to go, so many people to meet, so many things to explore!So many things to learn. And maybe write a few songs about it in the meantime.The songs you can listen to , were recorded a long time ago. Think it's time for something new. Would do it a lot different this time!
Still got some dreams left and dreams are to make come true.
I found out ...life has only one goal
All ya gotta do is live with heart and soul!
So what ya gonna do now, eh?