wanderlust.too many to compile.
definately these guys and all the other endangered or nearly-completely obliterated species of the many earthly bioregions. SOMEONE WHO GIVES ANYONE THE TIME OF DAY. those feelers of interpersonal energies. anyone willing to listen and speak, give and take, mutually benefitting both parties. ecologists. geologists. geographers. alternative travelers of bike communities. the inspirational changer of destructive behavior. Rockers. Lovers. Mystics, Saints. Natives. Holy Musicians with good intentions, shammans, primitivists. spiritualists. realists. whomever really, just as long as your not comitted to the legacy of being a fuck. Jane Fucking Goodall for sure.
i like music that's got a lotta soul and doesn't consume a whole lotta resources, but rather entices you to get off your ass and just do what feels good with your body. dance is good for the soul. dance is MOVING, nothing more or less. "if you can speak, you can sing. if you can walk, you can dance"
even cowgirls get the blues, documentaries, fucked up shit that's too damn deep and makes you ball your eyes out, fucking great shit that makes you wannna pursue your dreams.
animal planet, science channel, travel channel, national geographic shiz, whatevah's accessible. real life is better.
i'll read everything, one day.
those that say something like this: "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without."Those that really try to be WISE....and think outside of themselves and their own desires to the greater world around them and the forces that divide or unite.independent travelers. re-users of the world. those that struggle on behalf of all that is good.John Trudell, so many others whose names are irrelevant, but their spirits and legacies are all so present.