Music. The art and beauty in everyday life. The long-term effects of Highschool drama in people's lives 4 years later. Halls Defense Vitamin C drops (Citrus Blend). You?
I've had the luxury of coming in contact with some truly amazing folks. I'd love to meet some more. Please click on some of the links below. And check this amazing website out as well.
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The Red Sox are number one. No team is as talented, dedicated, or overall amazing as this team is. What is life without obsession?
Whatever changes my heart beat. I go through OCD phases with music. One day I'm locked in my room listening to Mozart, the next I'm wandering town damaging my eardrums to Iron Maiden, by the end of the week I've successfully gone through every album created by Explosions in the sky, Daft Punk, Emery, Everytime I die, etc.
I watch too many movies. I can figure out the twist and plot in every movie no matter how ridiculous it is to figure out. If all fails...I'm going to become a movie critic. Point blank.
---Rules the Nation. I laugh at commercials, and Intervention makes me cry. If it's on TV and I'm watching it it's either informational or ridiculous.
I don't get make much time for personal reading. If I'm reading it, it's usually school related or email.
Jesus showed me how I should live my life. My mother gave me life. Gordon Riker showed me the attitude I should have in life. My friends put laughter into my life. Diamond is my other half in life. Music gives me my passion in life. The Bo-Sox help me to enjoy my life.