we be fuction it.....straight swangin
we would like 2 meet som cutty-bubbies
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Favorite season of the year summer & spring
Favorite Band/Group pretty ricky
Favorite Accessory jewlery
If you could be anything, you would be singer or dancer
Biggest fear death
Biggest obssession
Favorite thing to do when you are feeling down chill wit my cutties
Three favorite things about the opposite sex 1-body,2-sex appeal,3-personality
Three least favorite thing about the opposite sex 1-liers,2-cheaters,3-bad ass attitude
Three favorite thing about the same sex 1-pretty hair,2-coo 2 kic wit,3-thing in common
Three least favorite thing about the same sex 1-attitude,2-bitch,3-in 2 da self
What three things you like most about yourself 1-our style,2-skills,3-personality
Being outdoors or in the city city
Best thing about being a girl/boy more stuff 2 do
Favorite place to visit n e where but home
Favorite shopping store d.e.m.o
What won't you do in a public place? fart or burp
Current favorite song ima sprung
Best thing someone ever said to you asked wat want for christmas said "you"
Biggest indulgence vanilla
Best habit gettin 2 now peps
Worst habit rollin eyez
Favorite piece of clothing jeanz
What do you want most for the world find cures for sicknesses
What do you want most for you happy endin
Favorite workout sit ups
Favorite magazine vibe
Three favorite things to do on your day off 1-chill,2-sleep,3-go out
Who do you miss the most right now? all my cutties and getties
Word of the day: fresh