POWer BOUNGga MICKI. profile picture


Puttin the Pow in Powder

About Me

Yeh pretty much just you average joe + a few super powers. Recently went to the snow and froffed so basically it's all about the POW now, just cant wait to get back there, most the money i save will go into goin back. Besides snowboarding love rugby and surfing, rugby seasons over now so i can imagine ill probs grow real fat and the only exercise ill get is walkin to the fridge to get a new bev dog. hmmmmmm love all my mates dunno wat i would do without em probs just die of boredem, but anyway add us and we'll av a yarn.

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A few good sorts.

Last days of the time of my life.

oh the grommet memories

My Interests

figure skating, playing chess, reading books, collecting insects, completing board games u no all fun things in life but in my dreams i like to Surf, Dogtown Skate, Play all kinds of footy, Rock Out, party, have a few drinks and chat to a few ladies etc.

I'd like to meet:

The Rev from towers of london coz he rocks, Laird Hamilton bigest teahupoo charger ever, Shane Dorian coz he rips and i like his style, Darren Lockyer coz he is the King and the rest of Towers of London so i could sink a few with them back stage. Woulda liked to meet Steve Irwin but he has passed so may he Rest in Peace.%D%A%D%A ..
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love alot of music but always stay true to rock coz just absolutely froff over it bands such as,Towers of London, Rage aginast the machine,AC/DC, G'n'R, LA Guns, Hanoi Rocks, New York Dolls, Velvet Revolver, Brides of Distruction, crystal pistol, beautiful creatures, hell city glamour, motley crue, ramones, sex pistols, rolling stones, skid row, rose tattoo, billy idol, Iggy Pop, Vains of Jenna, Jet and all other sleazy rock bands with low guitar.


Green Street Hooligans is my favourite movie of all time, nothing can and ever will beat it unless theres a number two maybe but i also enjoyed 300, Gettin Square, Pick of Destiny, The Ringer, Nacho Libre, Anchorman, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Oldschool, Dodgeball, Napoleon Dynamite, 4 brothers, The Longest Yard, Get Rich or Die Trying, Euro Trip, Bad Boys, Bad Boys 2, Hardball, Happy Gilmore, Remember the Titans, In Gods Hands, Laird, TO, The Bruce movie, Blue Horizon, School of Rock, Thunderstruck, Chopper, Crackerjack, The Castle and all movies with Adam Sandler, Will Farrell and Jack Black... width=


Rockstar Supernova, Prison Break, Simpsons, Family Guy, Chapelle Show, 24, Lost, American Choppers,Viva La Bam, Punk'd, Jackass, Wild boys, Stankervision, The OC, Laguna Beach, Drive Thru, and all the surf shows on fuel etc.


this is insane..Baby playing with a cobra

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My MUM, Laird Hammilton biggest charger alive, and this guy is pretty gnarly.This
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Proberly the best smiley i no

Posted by POWer BOUNGga MICKI. on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 02:57:00 PST