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Welcome to the one and only MySpace JAWS 2 Tribute Page. It is dedicated exclusively to the first JAWS sequel, which many feel, as I do, is a much underrated movie. There are a number of reasons this is so, not the least of which is that it has always lurked in the shadow of Spielberg's original masterpiece. As such, Jaws 2 is often relegated to the phantom zone of forgotten sub-par sequels.Though by any estimation there is no equivalence between the original classic and any of its three sequels in terms of sheer cinematic excellence, it is widely felt that Jaws 2 is certainly a worthy follow-up to the first film, and would perhaps be seen as more of a classic had its predecessor not set the standard so out of reach.
I have felt for some time that this movie should get its due as a piece of entertainment, independent of its context in the Jaws franchise. Not only does this film feature excellent performances by Roy Scheider, Murray Hamilton, Lorraine Gary, and Jeffrey Kramer as they further develop their roles from the first film, but it also sports some pretty intense attack sequences, as well as one of Composer John Williams finest scores ever, and a truly classic tagline. So here it is... Just when you thought it was safe to go back on MySpace!I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)