Im Sexy in and out,I'm cool ,Im Here Just To tUrn You On. it doesnt mean that im rude,im a PartY freAk at the same time I'm a beauty queen,a shopaholic,
They Call me Sha For shorT ,
EveryBOdy Loves Me,
"i know ryt"hehe,im a sUper Friendly.
Proud to be "Sexy",PreTTy,Cool,Kind to All,Friendly,Smart,Bookworm,sporty,Talented,HeadtUrner,Dance
r..,SimPle???,,super Picture Lover,SMiling Face,snobish..,cry Baby,i'm a sinner,I'm a bEeYotch and dats For reAl,but Im not slut-
,I'm a tease, I'M a goddess on My knees,Im willing to be ur frend but make sure Ur D Best
---Im Your FaNTasy-
Im A Gurl Who Has A Gud Image,I Love making friends Without Them My life is in incomplete,I hate pLasTic PersOn,Im A partY freaK,Im a social Drinker,i Dnt SmoKe,My friends Call me flirt..Do i need To asK That?.Hmmm... weLl! i dnt Care..Its d real me and you cnt Do anytHin'and I love Myself..
Im qUEeN of BeaUTy a Nice GurL.And A suPer Kikay gurl,Loves To collect DiffereNt Make Ups.MaaRte po Ko!!..Im A super duper tecHno lover..
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