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I think its time that I made a myspacezor.
******About me:
hmmm there is alot to know about me.. I usually dont tell anyone anything about me, Well Im very very random & weird?. thats just the way I am, Abnormal. I dont pretend. I live completely without fear and care. Im all about doing whatevers fun, I love the smaller things in life. I take life day by day and love everything even the horribly unfortunate. Nothing really phases me ill just shrug it off or laughed. Im not affraid of akwurd situations or anything for that matter. Im not like anyone.. or atleast anyone I've ever met. Im very sarcastic, it enjoy making people laugh. even at my own or ryans expense. ABNORMY FOREVER.
Im a ninja/gamer by night. online hardcore. have always been one. will always be one. Do not mock or call it nerdy and such unless you have actually tried online gaming for your self.. people who judge it and never try it are dumb.. I play all half-life mods(counter-strike, day of defeat etc (for 7 years now)), world of warcraft (mug'thol realm), every other good game on the planet you can bet I played it. My favs are WoW and natural-selection and POKEMON!!!fuck ya.
My mortal body, 6'4?. About 170-180 lb weight.. I have no fat on my body, use to be very skinny track star. gaining alot of muscle from lifting cold ass fucking boxes all fucking day. My nipples are off center kinda (they to far to the outsides. and people use to call me lucy (loose nipples) in elementary school in gym. My knees are broken, my shins grew over my knee's from playing soccer and stuff to much it looks weird and I shoulda been wearing leg bracers. Um I have like a plate of bone over my left breast kinda sticks out a little like a boobie, I consider it natural heart armor to protect me from arrows. I dont know why? I have bad posture. I probably have a the horrible cholesterol disease that runs thick in my family left completely unattended and my heart will explode in my 30's. I have brown hair and brown eyes. My left eye is weak because when I was young me and my brother were fishing and he casted his line back.. it hooked underneath my eyelid. and my left eye is weak now... I think I remeber it to.. But I choose not to wear glasses anymore or contacts its not my thang. I have tattos, a trogdor the burninator on my arm and a cloudy wolf from final fantasy on my back. Ya im fucking cool. No i dont care what I look like or whats on my body. Other that that Im pretty much perfect.
My deepest darkest secrets:
Hmm no gay sex but, I was a bedwetter everyday till I was 16. No one ever found out ever. which is pretty impressive on my part imo. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. absolutely nothing worst in the world then that lol.. It made me really emocidal and live in lies and fantasy and such, I gave up on everything and stopped caring I honestly didn't plan to live till I was 20. I spent my time very solo and thats another reason why I took up hardcore gaming its all I had and who I was. Made me the fine abnormal person I am today :D, Also I killed my goldfish Spanky the first with a blue marker when I was around 5-6. I remeber that as clear as day and it was my first kill. Spankey the second was my fravorite pet my turtle.. He lived a long horrible life and eventually escaped after 6-7 long years.
I dont judge people or care what people do or look like.. I very good at reading people and I hate closeminded cowards and noobs.Oh and I like to stare into the abyss, mock normal people with ryan, fall and pretend to be dead usually in my driveway. And I like to do random things and go on random adventures that normies would miss out on.
Damn I made a big rant. am I high? whats going on? where am i?This is a video recorded by me, of N-word kain freestyle rapping in are ventrillo one day. making fun of infoseeker. thats my sexyness running around, N-word kain is a hero.
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