Animation, Drawing, movie, cool music, sleep, more sleep, reading, people watching, plotting wicked plan to take over the world, day dreaming about the M-theory, window shopping, eating ice-cream, skating, cooking up new stories ... pretty much anything FUN!
Classical, R&B, Pop, J-Pop, Jazz, Rock and Roll, musical ... music that are well composed!!
The Incredible, Monster Inc, Iron Giant, Lord of the Ring, Beauty and the Beast, Frederic Back's films, Father and Daughter, Wallace and Gromit, Howl's Moving Castle, Laputa, Nausicaa, Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia ... etc .. to name a few ...
No too much of a TV fan ... Err ... sort of limited to news, documentary ... and toons ...
Flowers for Algernon, Harry Potter, Stephen Hawkings, No David, Inkheart, Richard Feynman, Susan Cooper, A Short History of Nearly Everything, Olivia, The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, I am a bookworm I chew on chew any book with good stories or ideas ...
Does a Heroes have to be an action figure?Could the mind of a thinker or the creativity of an innovator ... or the selflessness of a commoner be claimed as "Heroes"? If so, those are my heroes.