Neesh profile picture



About Me

I'm shy and super dorky. and I like cheeeeese. I'm taking life one day at a time, but I know that I want to help my fellow artists create the magic from their dreams as well as provide our children with hope and love. I don't care about having the nicest things. As long as I have a pen & paper, am surrounded by people who love me, and have access to real music at my fingertips- I'm content.

My Interests

History, Audioscrobbler , books, bowling, Guitar Hero, life, recorded music, photography, Pirates, poker, sci-fi, live music, the Shack, trees, virb , writing, youth

I'd like to meet:

Some wicked past and present Hudson Valley bands:
Air Travel
AutoPilot Off
Bobby Delicious
Codename: Morocco
Coheed and Cambria
Counterfeit Disaster
Dead Unicorn
The Distraction
Dreamer Driver
Drugs Rx
The English Panther
Fits of Fury
Joey Eppard
Kiss Kiss
Matchbook Romance
The Nervous Band
Pontius Pilate Sales Pitch
3 Monkeys Named "BOB"
Weerd Science


I enjoy all sorts of music, but what strikes me most is the kind that emotively transgresses boundaries.

Last week I listened to:


Requiem for a Dream, Grease, The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, Cruel Intentions, Road Trip, The Butterfly Effect, The Girl Next Door, Orgazmo, The Prestige, Children of Men, What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole, Everything is Illuminated, Pan's Labyrinth, The Wall, Grandma's Boy, The Fountain, Black Snake Moan, Planet Terror


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Arrested Development, Charmed, Crossing Jordan, Curb Your Enthusiasm, ER, Fairly Oddparents, Futurama, Heroes, Jimmy Neutron, Judging Amy, The Oblongs, The Office, Robot Chicken, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Scrubs, Smallville, That 70's Show, Tiny Toon Adventures, 30 minute meals, Trailer Park Boys, The Venture Bros., Weeds, Without A Trace, The X-Files
Groups 3 Fans , Coheed and Cambria Street Team , , The Shack , Rockland Scene , 845 Hudson Valley

My Blog

everyday I grow old and am born again

This Friday and Saturday Brazil is playing their FINAL shows together. If you can make it out to see them one last time, you should. I wanted to, but unfortunately it's quite a hike from NY and I have...
Posted by Neesh on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:27:00 PST

you put the spark out behind my eyes

"I've been a fan of the band 3 from the moment I was turned onto their CD Wake Pig in 2006...  And as much as I already loved the CD, I was even more blown away by their live performance!" -Mike ...
Posted by Neesh on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:25:00 PST

I don't mind you under my skin, I'll let the bad parts in

Yesterday I saw my second favorite band. Or maybe third favorite... One of my sentimental favorites.I bought the tickets months ago before there were any New York dates because I wanted to make sure I...
Posted by Neesh on Sat, 26 May 2007 04:00:00 PST

two thousand six

my favorite albums of the yearAs Tall As Lions - As Tall As LionsBrand New - DemosBrand New - The Devil And God Are Raging Inside MeDavid Gilmour - On An IslandDream Theater - Dark Side of the Moon (b...
Posted by Neesh on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 10:58:00 PST

here they come, my dear

No matter how awful any day is when I walk into my house my Maui is there, happy to see me.  She wags her tail so hard I can hear the tapping against the couch before I even see her.  I...
Posted by Neesh on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:48:00 PST

please don't tell my secrets, keep them hidden

We at Cobalt and Calcium have a huge surprise for everyone. Keep checking back to find out what it is!
Posted by Neesh on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:47:00 PST

the solution has changed

I just have to say that I absolutely love Q104.3.  Getting the Led out with Carol Miller has to be the highlight of my nights and now I've fallen in love with Jim Kerr.  I had to drive to th...
Posted by Neesh on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 07:57:00 PST

throw away your cigarettes and throw ur past regrets

That's Chris Martin of Words Now Heard.  I met him at the Saves The Day show at Irving Plaza last month.  He even wrote about it in his tour journal!  haha.  Anyway, on Friday I&nb...
Posted by Neesh on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 02:02:00 PST

i hope you enjoy dying alone

I feel obligated to write in this thing...  although I have an LJ.  A lot of shit's changed since the last time I wrote.  Yeah.Fuck it.  I'll just talk about shows.8/25 Thursday, W...
Posted by Neesh on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 09:49:00 PST

you're only pretty when you're crying

I'm going to a hell of a lot of shows in the upcoming months...  or at least I hope to.8/25 Thursday, We're All Broken, Blackout Pack @ CBGBs 9/16 Joey Eppard and 3 @ Joyous Lake 9/17 Coheed and ...
Posted by Neesh on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 01:30:00 PST