rowan profile picture


can i have a toke of your smoke bloke? I'm broke

About Me

You have so many relationships in this life, But only one or two will last. You go through all the pain and strife, Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast.Oh yeah. They're gone so fast. yeah yeah yeahOh, so hold on to the ones who really care, In the end they'll be the only ones there. When you get old and start losing your hair, Can you tell me who will still care? Can you tell me who will still care? Oh, oh yeah, yeah!Chorus:MMMBop, ba dubi dop ba do bop, Ba dubi dop ba do bop, Ba dubi dop ba do. yeah yeah, MMMBop ba dubi dop ba do bop, Ba dubi dop ba do bop, Ba dubi dop ba doOh yeah, in an MMMBop they're gone. Yeah.Plant a seed, plant a flower, Plant a rose, you can plant any one of those Keep planting to find out which one grows. It's a secret no one knows. It's a secret no one knows. Oh, no one knows.(Repeat Chorus Twice....)

My Interests

drawing, cartoons and geek shit, but i'm not too geeky.bla bla... here's some of my drawings below

I'd like to meet:

I edited my profile at
Myspace Layouts


shit such as bouncing souls, grade, agnostic front,millencolin, slayer, hatebreed, terror, gyroscope, send more paramedics,deviates,NOFX,dropkick murpheys, BLood for blood, bombshell rocks, regan youth, Bad religion, irrelevant,H20, the virus, Boys night out, ACDC,Agoraphobic nosebleed and many more punk and metal shite


day of the dead, dawn of the dead, evil dead(s), drop dead fred, haggard, psych cop 2, transformers the movie, lotr shit, i haven't seen a full star wars movie yet and i don't plan too.i don't like what that trilogy did to them kids but thank christ i didn't get brainwashed.legend of drunken mastrer, brawl at battle creek and any other jackie chan film exept for the ones where he was, for some reason, teamed up with some comic relief bumbling idiot like chris tucker.Hellraiser, freddy films, jason films, freddie vs jason,braindead, meet the feebles, Bad taste.Also arnie movies there always tops.and groundhog day and ghostbusters and romper stomper. thats about it.


family guy, futurama, black books, house, japanese movies on sbs,


i dunno


im my own anti-hero.nar.All animator and great painters and artists

My Blog


I dunno about that kevin rudd man. i mean i like the strippers as much as the next man, but that guy is just not right. i wonder, does he whisper mandarin in the ladies' ears to win their vote as well...
Posted by rowan on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:05:00 PST


..> Endless horrible nightmares DONT drink more thanone cup of coffee before you go to sleep at night. you'll have nightmares terrifying you beyond mortal imaginations of horrific blindness, limbs...
Posted by rowan on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 11:46:00 PST


i remember on television when headlining news was john Howard falling over. then they tied it in "well" with another thing he fucked up on. e.g. "john howards plans for water saving blabla in chaos" ...
Posted by rowan on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 01:24:00 PST

bitchin and moanin

just a few thing to throw out there in the form of complaining. 1: SHREK-DOMINATION The last few weeks i haven't been able to go anywhere without SHreks dick wavin in my face. he's on cereal boxes, ...
Posted by rowan on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 10:06:00 PST


I sometimes wonder why people refridgerate their butter. there is little to no chance of you spreading refridgerated margerine on bread without "tearing" it. So what makes you think cold butter w...
Posted by rowan on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 06:16:00 PST

the guy with the sav

There was once this guy. he had a huge sav. he used it as a shoehorn to remove his slippers. he used it as a leash to walk his dog. when he had a boner, he could change channels with it without get...
Posted by rowan on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:58:00 PST

the void, stephen king, rant.

You fool. You don't know it yet, but by going into this blog you've allowed me to hack into the central mainframe of the central core cpu, thus trapping you inside this blog. Because i have a degree i...
Posted by rowan on Wed, 16 May 2007 11:42:00 PST


..> Playstation 3 rant Playstation 3 is out... and all for the low low price of $1,000. "a thousand dollars? Rowan, you ginger cunt, that can't be right. that's much too expensive" i hear you play...
Posted by rowan on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:34:00 PST

A boring Rant

..> a miserable rant Doncaster blows dingleberries.there are no pubs, you can't meet anyone, the shopping centre CLOSED DOWN for fucks sake.this is actually worse than Horsham. So i think after t...
Posted by rowan on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 05:29:00 PST


How 'bout joe strummer? or darrel somers? something really cool this summer.The judge Dredd movie was a bummer.touch my jocks their so much funner,don't tell this to your sick brother your father...
Posted by rowan on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 06:45:00 PST