Playing Pool, Men, Road Trips, ATV's, Wakeboarding, Longboarding, Bowling, Cooking, Fights, Concerts, Children-preferably little boys, Sabrina Kazarian, Chillin with friends, meeting new people, traveling, off roading, snow boarding, back packing, diving, Anything fun!
A bearded man who's butt hole can carry on a conversation. Oh yeah and Angus Young.
Red Hot Chilie Peppers - Cant Stop
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Rage Against the Machine, Led Zeppelin, N' sync, Pink Floyd, Fog Hat. Basically anything that could provoke a brawl or maybe even a riot God willing.
Video Games in the Graveyard(all time favorite), Fight Club, Bambi, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Blow, Lord of War, Half Baked, Casino, Good Fellas, Once again anything that causes brawls to brake out nation wide.
How to cook small children, Beating up your mother, I hate the world because im a rage full teen. You know classic good T.V.
The Bible.
Super Bum! Can you save a young woman's life, collect change, and dig food out of the garbage at the same time? YEAH DIDN'T THINK SO!